them. Features such as glass, mud, glue, crates, and bricks and some additional objectives will make it harder for you to beat levels as you progress. Bird-based special attacks can also be used to clear levels. Chaining blocks together in certain ways will cause Red, Chuck, and Bomb to materialise into play. Each has their own style of special ability with which to use to clear the field. New to this game is a shop, reward chests, and unique loot. You can progress through purchasing items with a currency
Youngblood, changes quite a bit. In the beginning of the book, all Tally wants to do is become pretty and join her best friend in New Pretty Town for endless partying, sleeping in, and being treated like Gods and Goddesses. However, when Dr. Cable from Special Circumstances sends Tally on a quest that puts Tally’s prettiness at stake, Tally uncovers a horrifying truth about turning pretty, and her perspective changes completely. She will do anything to keep herself, and the people she cares about safe from
quality, but that is not the case in the dystopian novel Specials by Scott Westerfeld. This book is an excellent reading choice to open the eyes of people who are under the false impression that physical attractiveness makes a person superior, and for those who
as Specials and led by Dr. Cable – tell Tally that she can either find Shay and bring her back or stay ugly forever. Initially choosing to bring Shay in, Tally realizes that she was sent not just to find Shay, but an entire settlement of people who decided to stay ugly, dubbed the Smoke. It is there that she also learns about the lesions, and armed with this knowledge decides to turn her back on her old dreams of turning pretty. It is unfortunately too little too late though, and the Specials come
Imagine if an individual conquering his/her largest challenge presents one with an incredible reward. Surprisingly, this idea is shared between three uncommon literature works. Within Scott Westerfeld’s Uglies, the main character, Tally Youngblood, triumphed through an exhausting and tough journey to a place that leads her to learn about self-worth. Furthermore, The Third and Final Continent describes the narrator, Jhumpa Lahiri’s, adventure of his life through three continents and poor living conditions
Freedom of choice, the transference of power away from and to the oppressed, and rebellion against societal norms: these are some of the many ingredients of a book that hailed a new approach toward writing, trailblazing a whole subgenre of fictitious works. This book, a book which will stand the test of time, embodies the female struggle in an oppressive society. This book, Scott Westerfeld’s Uglies, will survive as it became a beacon in the new style of young adult dystopian novels with female protagonists
According to Merriam-Webster dictionary, the word realization is defined as, “an act of becoming fully aware of something as a fact.” Being able to realize the ultimate desires and goals in life is apart of each of the texts. In the book The Uglies by Scott Westerfeld, the story shows characters realizing objectives through point of view when Tally Youngblood is faced with the truth about getting an operation to become pretty. Likewise, in “The Third and Final Continent” by Jhumpa Lahiri, the message
there. We sat at a little two-person table in the corner and waited for our waitress to come and take our order. When she got to our table she said, “My name is Elizabeth and that there are two specials for today. The specials are the Dixie Line Bovine, tastes real good runned over by wood, and the other special is the Canine Cuisine,
Beautifully Asleep; Hideously Awake As adolescents progress toward adulthood, a drastic reformation of both mental affect and moral worldview is commonly experienced. Scott Westerfeld—in his novel Uglies—illustrates this commonality of human experience through that of Tally Youngblood, his societally divergent protagonist. The pivotal moments that signify her gradual, yet distinct moral development are clearly defined in specific segments of text. Moreover, the actual structure of the novel concretely
Humanities Culminating Project Vaporwave is a microgenre of music started in the early 2010s focused on deconstructing elements of 90s culture, consumerism, and nostalgia. It’s name is a pun on the term “vaporware,” which refers to software advertised by companies in the 90s which turn out to be nonexistent and nothing but vapor. Vaporwave works remix pop songs, Muzak, advertisements, startup sounds, and other cultural material from the 80s and 90s, to produce hypnotic, almost dreamy music. Blank