The Roseate Spoonbills, also known as Platalea Ajaja, “are found in the southeastern United States and West Indies through Mexico and Central America to South America, where they are distributed south to northern Argentina east of the Andes and western Ecuador and northwestern Peru west of the Andes” (Encyclopedia Of Life). Many individuals often confuse the Roseate Spoonbill as a flamingo due to it’s bright pink coloring. It has a medium sized body with a bald head and a long flat spoon-shaped bill
Year 8 examination semester 1 2015 Samantha penny Question 1 Three poetic devices used at the start of the poem the spoonbill by Sally Marsden are ‘Squelching through the mud’, ‘it gobbles like a greedy calf’ and ‘with its oily, coal-black beak’. The poetic devices used are onomatopoeia, simile and alliteration. The effect of the onomatopoeia when it says ‘Squelching’ is that it allows the reader to hear the sound, creating a more vivid image. The effect of the simile in ‘it gobbles like a greedy
specific bird is the Roseate Spoonbill. Roseate Spoonbills are pink, white, and sometimes yellow on the chest. A Roseate Spoonbill’s wingspan is 50 inches. When a Roseate Spoonbill is full grown, it stands at three feet tall. A Roseate Spoonbill is a little bigger than a pelican. These birds like to eat small fish, shrimp, mollusks, slugs, and crayfish. For these birds, it is easy for them to catch these animals because of its large beak. If Roseate Spoonbills ever decided to take down the
There were many different types of ducks in these locations but there were only a few I was able to recognize: Ruddy ducks- dive for their food Very easy to spot these ducks because the male has a bright blue bill, the bottom of their head is white and the top is black. The female is not as easy to recognize but the top of its head is a darker brown whereas the bottom is a lighter brown/ white. Mallard- dabbling These ducks are the most common ducks found around New York state. They have a yellow
On Saturday February 4th, I took the tram ride exploring Circle B Bar Reserve. Susan was the tram driver; Nancy was the tour guide and volunteers John and his son were the spotters. We toured three ecosystems of the reserve: wetlands, oak hammock, and highland scrub. It was interesting to learn the history of how the area was once wetland and they paid ranchers to drain the area for cattle ranching. Years later the property was purchased by Polk County Commissioners and the Southwest Florida
fishing line is the number one killer of adult brown pelicans, although one Audubon biologist says that “[p]retty much every type of water or shore bird can get caught up in fishing line …. We find dead cormorants, anhingas, herons, egrets, roseate spoonbills … you name
Chennai is the biggest industrial and commercial centre in South India. Also, it is known for being a major cultural, economic and educational centre. Since Chennai is located on the Coromandel Coast off the Bay of Bengal, a rise in sea level poses a threat to coastal areas and becomes a risk to people’s lives, food, security as well as infrastructure and biodiversity. Because of this, there will be many impacts on the human environment, such as affecting tourism. Chidambaram and how flooding will
area. 4. Louisiana Habitat: This exhibit is featured with the plants, animals, architecture, industry and culture of Louisiana and was opened in 1998. There are several species present in the limited area of this exhibit such as alligator, roseate spoonbill, North American river otter, cougar, black bear, bobcat, raccoon, red wolf, white-tailed deer. There is an underwater viewing area from where one can see the species like Turtles, fish, otters, and alligators. For its uniqueness as well as capability
The geography of Texas is hugely varied, from beaches to mountains. You can break Texas down into four main regions, divided by rivers, escarpments and other natural features. Texas has all the locations you might need: forests, cliffs, mountainous desert that could pass for Mars, NASA's Johnson Space Center and even a coastline. The Lone Star state is often divided into four regions: the Gulf Coastal Plains, the Interior Lowlands, also called the North Central Plains, the Great Plains and the Basin
In the Gulf of Mexico region, some of the species of birds that live in wetlands include white egrets, ibises, anhingas, blue herons, and roseate spoonbills. In fact, wetlands are some of the most productive ecosystems in world. Wetlands provide a habitat for more aquatic and terrestrial species on an area basis than any other habitat type, making them among the most ecologically important ecosystems