philosophers have been concerned with proving the existence of god, and from this has sprouted many arguments attempting to prove or disprove god’s existence from a wide variety of different perspectives. St. Anselm, Archbishop of Canterbury has proved a true pioneer in the study of the philosophy of religion. Anselm provided one of the most crucial and influential solutions to solving the mystery of god’s existence, the Ontological Argument. While there were many different arguments (along with their originators)
Theology, Anselm of Canterbury and St. Thomas Aquinas present their reasoning as to why it was necessary for the incarnation and death of Jesus Christ. Although both theologians agree that it was imperative for God to become incarnate as human in order to save the human race from sin, Anselm and St. Thomas Aquinas disagree on the status of the human race and the nature of God. In the Cur Deus Homo, Anselm portrays humans as lowly, indebted vassals to a wrathful God. On the contrary, St. Thomas Aquinas
beginning of the first book of Cur Deus Homo, Boso and St. Anselm are having a conversation. The two men discuss different topics and issues all involving God. Boso fills the role of the questioner, while Anselm explains his thoughts and beliefs. He still does not really understand what he believes in and is slowly trying to put all all the pieces together. Boso asked why it was necessary for God to become human and why the son of God had to suffer. Anselm answered with the idea that only a divine person
St. Anselm Not every great writer can be correct in what he or she is saying. This is the idea that Gaunilo had in mind when he wrote his criticism to St. Anselm’s Ontological Argument which states that if something greater than anything else that could be thought of is conceived in the understanding then it must exist. Gaunilo says it is foolish to believe in the existence of something just because it is understood. He says there must be some kind of other explanation. In this paper, I
In Proslogion, St. Anselm of Canterbury argues that God must exist because nothing else can exceed him both as a concept in the human mind and as a figure in reality. As an objection to his argument, Gaunilo of Marmoutier states that anything that exists in the mind can also exist within reality, such as the idea of a perfect island that everyone has imagined, yet no one has encountered. Gauniloʻs objection does not effectively refute St. Anselmʻs argument because an island does not possess qualities
Saint Anselm, a Benedictine monk and Archbishop of Canterbury, sought to explain the need for the incarnation of Jesus, and discarded the Patristic theory. After discarding this theory, he brings forth an alternate theory that is very influential in both the Catholic and Protestant soteriology. The theory proposed by Saint Anselm, is called the Satisfaction theory. This theory emphasizes that the death of Jesus was necessary to preserve the direction of creation. Anselm believed, that when we sin
Anselm, sometimes thought of as the first philosopher of Christianity, practiced scholasticism, and in his writings he attempted harmonizing faith and reason. A piece of writing he is author of is called Meditation on Human Redemption. Anselm touches on a variety of topics in this writing. The three major points this document covers are the concept of why God the Father is not able to simply forgive all of humanity’s sins, how justice is to be brought about once humans sin, and how Jesus Christ paid
Philosophers, whether they are atheists, or believers have always been eager to discuss the existence of God. Some philosophers, such as St Thomas Aquinas, and St Anselm, believe that we have proven that God exists through our senses, logic, and experience. Others such as Soren Kierkegaard, and Holbach, feel that we will never have the answer to this question due to our human limitations, and reason. The believer tends to rely on faith for his belief, and claim they do not need proof in order to
issue to this day! In the following I will commit myself to the above-mentioned question by firstly reconstructing Anselm´s proof of God´s existence and secondly considering his position in the light of the critique put forward by Gaunilo, Aquinas and Kant. St. Anselm (1033-1109) was an Italian philosopher and monk who later left his country to become Archbishop of Canterbury. As Anselm firmly believed in God, he wanted to prove God´s existence through
Examination into the Respective Proofs of St. Anselm and St. Aquinas During the Medieval Period, philosophers shifted their focus primarily to proving the existence of God, as well as other religious tenets. Two Saints of the Catholic Church, St. Anselm and St. Thomas Aquinas, developed their own respective proofs for the existence of God. These proofs have gained fame over the subsequent centuries and still face debate and comparison today. Although both St. Anselm and St. Thomas Aquinas offer proofs for