Strict father model

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    Amy Chua argues that extremely strict parenting supposedly typical of Asian parents is the way to raise "successful children" in this excerpt of “Why Chinese Mothers Are Superior.” This type of parenting places great stress upon achieving academic and musical results, often to the drastic exclusion of many other facets of life. She also is heavily critical of the “Western” style of parenting, critiquing aspects that do not correlate with her typical ways of teaching and guidance. In her article

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  • Decent Essays

    on their own. Both sides being so completely opposite raises the question of which of the two views is correct for handling different aspects in society such as taxes, abortion, capital punishment etc? Lakoff’s two models known as the strict father model and the nurturant family model strive to relate the conservative and liberal views to explain how a conservative and liberal would

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    Decent Essays
  • Decent Essays

    called “the strict father model.” Lakoff tries to make a connection between people in politics and the why their minds may work. Lakoff mentions politicians that label themselves has conservatives tend to be categorized under his model of the strict father. Lakoff describes the “strict father” has a moral leader of the family and he must be obeyed. There is evil in the world and the father must protect the family because the mother is unable. The world is full of competition and the father must go out

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    Decent Essays
  • Decent Essays

    political spectrum. How someone views this “family” in its ideal state will separate them to either the conservative or liberal political view. Both the conservative and liberal views ideal family models have different characteristics at their core, such as conservatives have the “strict father or positional” model and liberals have the “nurturing parent” at its core according to Lakoff. The

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    Decent Essays
  • Good Essays

    Strict fathers protect their children from a dangerous world and teach them right from wrong (Lakoff 5). In this model, a moral person is successful and self-reliant, which develops from discipline and the aim for self-interest (Lakoff 5). To illustrate how conservatism functions as a strict father, Lakoff discusses Bush’s use of the words “permission slip” (9). Bush used the metaphor when the U.N

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  • Decent Essays

    understanding human behavior, psychologists developed models that try to build character formation from childhood to whole lifespan. This paper correlates character development in a given individual to lifespan development theories. An Interview was conducted to provide a picture of general personality as well as understand childhood environment for the given individual. Here, Piaget's and Erikson's model are then used to track personality development. These models provide a clear development pathway for the

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    Decent Essays
  • Decent Essays

    Atticus Finch works hard as a lawyer, friend, and a father. He has to work hard to be a good father and do his part for the town at the same time. Atticus is a role model to Scout and Jem throughout the story. He does his best to make sure that his children turn out right, even after they see horrible events in Maycomb. First, Atticus shows his parenting abilities when it comes to teaching Scout and Jem life lessons. Throughout the novel, many bad events happen that Scout and Jem see

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  • Satisfactory Essays

    Introduction: Atticus is an ideal father. There are some reasons for these, Atticus is a caring father because reads with Scout every night, he protects his children if they are in danger and Atticus is a good role model for his kids. These are the reason why Atticus is an ideal father. Body 1: The first aspect of Atticus being an ideal father is that, he caring because reads with Scout every night to improve her reading. Atticus reads with Scout every night to improve her reading before she starts

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    Satisfactory Essays
  • Decent Essays

    The Strict Father Method views the world as a complex and unfriendly place; however, competition is encouraged. Strict parents who love their family feel like they are doing injustice if they send their family out into the world, unprepared for all that it holds. Their children are taught to be tough and self-

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  • Decent Essays

    Throughout the reading of part IV: “Who’s Right and How Can You Tell”, George Lakoff goes into depth of depicting the principle of the “strict father” morality and “nurturing mother” morality to explain the two models of liberals and conservative. It gives a good description regarding how individuals think politically and why they think that way. He explains how these two models fit political issues and how they often clash. In chapter 20, “Nonideological Reasons for Being a Liberal”, shows the variety of

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    Decent Essays