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    Italian Folk Culture Music Italian folk music reflects the area’s history, language, and its ethnic composition. Italian folk music can identify the region, it is from. In the North the music is symbolic with intelligible lyrics and a very strict tempo compared to the Southern region, which has a more stained vocal style (Italian Music). Folk music began developing with the shift from writing in Latin to Italian around 12th century Italy (Italian Music). Italy’s diverse variety of folk music represents

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    Ta-Ta-Ta-Taaa. Ta-Ta-Ta-Taaa. The famous motif and most iconic statement from Beethoven’s 5th Symphony, it was viewed as if “fate [was] knocking at the door”. My first experience with classical music was watching the film, Disney’s “Fantasia 2000”, featuring the world-renowned Chicago Symphony Orchestra. I had never heard an orchestra before, but it lured me in like a duck to water. The TV had my undivided attention; I could not look away. I kept watching it over and over again, enjoying the music

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    Essay On TA

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    3.2.3. Aim 1: Discussion Thickness TA was negatively associated with GCA. As expected from similar associations presented in previous studies, this relationship is modest (r = -.18). This finding is a novel contribution to the literature, as previously the relationship between TA and cognition has neither been investigated with GCA nor in older adults. A previous study found a positive association between TA and working memory and vocabulary performance in young adults (Plessen et al.,

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    Tattoos And Body Art

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    ambiguous which makes it harder for people without Tattoos to accept it. Furthermore, Tattoos have symbolic meaning and there is attachment to Religion in selected communities like the Maori Islanders which will be further explored through the essay. . “Tā moko” which is permanent body and face markings which is mainly done by Indigenous people of New Zealand. The Tattoo is a symbolism of identity and belonging, the tattoo

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    growing up in the tribes. Maoris have a traditional tattooing known as Ta Moko, which is often on the face. Polynesians have many types of tattooing, but there’s one which is popular in the Polynesian culture and it’s called Tahitian Tatau. The Maoris and Polynesians have different shapes, and symbols in their tattoos which symbolize a different meaning. Each of these shapes and symbols best describes one’s history and culture. Ta Moko has always been part of the Maori world for many centuries, but

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    Cultural Legacies

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    The cultural legacies of the Maori reveals to a great extent the properties of their society in addition to the skills possessed by the Maori. They were a very culturally rich civilization, and harboured some of the most well known ancient practices that still leave a mark on New Zealand today. Above all, was the haka dance, which could have its roots traced back to before the Polynesians inhabited New Zealand. The haka was very important in Maori culture and was used for many important occasions

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    The art of tattooing has been around for centuries, with origins dating back before the year 325, when it was banned by the Roman Empire and made its return once again around the 18th century via British explorers returning from Polynesia. Tattooing practices vary around the world, specifically in their meaning and significance cross-culturally. For instance, tattooing practices and significance in Western cultures vary significantly than in non-Western cultures. Specifically, in traditional cultures

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    Maori Art Essay

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    When looking at Maori art, there is one thing that sticks out amongst everything else with me, and with most likely everyone that sees it for the first time, this is their tattooing skills. They are equipped with many other art skills such as their carvings, weaponry, and townhouses, but the tattoos represent the tribe as a whole and are visible on the people themselves.      The art of tattoo was brought to New Zealand by the Polynesians when they migrated to New Zealand

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    This essay will address the issues of cultural appropriation of the koru in relation to the denotation of this Maori icon as well as its significant connotations, both visually in art and fashion and symbolically in business application. There are two motivational factors for initiating cultural appropriations that this essay explores: economic gain and artistic expression. The research focuses on specific New Zealand context on modern societal ethnicity. The koru (see Figure 1) has a morphological

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    The process of “ta moko” and the product of "moko" was, and is, used to tell the story of the wearer. If following the old traditions, the inking begins at puberty following extensive rites and rituals, and lasts throughout their entire lives (The Maori). Typically the

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