The Effects of Teenage Pregnancy Pregnancy is beautiful; however, for a teenager it can be a philosophical event with long term implications. Wall-Wieler stated that, “Teenage pregnancy is having at least one pregnancy between the ages of 14 and 19 (inclusive)” (4). Such a situation for teenagers comes with many obstacles. Adolescence would lose the opportunity to fully enjoy their teen years. This is a once in a lifetime experience, which would be cut short because of engaging in adult activities
problems among teenagers is teen pregnancy. Throughout high school and college, teenagers are getting pregnant at an age they are incapable of taking care of a child. Along with hearing about teens getting pregnant, television shows are displaying it to you like 16 and Pregnant. Though the pregnancy rates have fallen over previous years, the United States still has the highest rates than any other Western industrialized country. Along with the teen pregnancies comes sexually transmitted diseases
was at a store when I came across a very young girl. She must have been no older than seventeen, but was so obviously pregnant. This did not surprise me since this is something common here in the Imperial Valley; we have such a high rate of teen pregnancy. What really caught my attention was that she was not alone; she had in her cart a toddler that kept referring her to mom. All I could think of was that such a young girl should not be concerned with raising a child, especially not two. Most young
The amount of teenage pregnancies in America has skyrocketed in the last few decades. Young, uneducated children are having sexual intercourse without a clear understanding of the serious consequents behind their actions, but it is not entirely their fault because their parents and school’s curriculum have failed to bestow a clear and concise grasp of sex. Sexual education is typically incorporated into an academic setting either in middle school or high school when an adolescent is hitting puberty
Teenage pregnancy is normally identified as a deprived life choice, for example, tasks of teenage parenting have long-term impact on the mental health of the mother and children (Statistics New Zealand, 2003). It is important to identify the socioeconomic factors of teenage pregnancy to lower the chances of mental health problems in young mothers. In this paper the aim is to analyse the main socioeconomic factors of teenage pregnancy and discuss how it affects the mental health of an adolescent mother
Teenage Pregnancy I. Introduction Teenage pregnancy is one of the major problem that the world is facing today. Early pregnancy or teenage pregnancy is dangerous to teenage girls’ health because it may cause cervical cancer, aids, and eventually death. Teenage pregnancies are often associated with an increased rate of delinquent behaviors including alcohol and substance abuse. To begin with, majority of them belong to the low income group. To prevent this dilemma, there are some preventions
Teenage Pregnancy In 2014 Oklahoma City had the second highest teen birth rate in the United States at 38.5 pregnancies per 1000; the national average is 24.2 per 1000 (Grigson, 2016). Changing the health behaviors that lead to teenage pregnancy should be a #1 priority for healthcare workers and within the community. In order to have a positive impact on this target population, there needs to be increased awareness of the outcomes of teenage pregnancy, and more importantly how to change the health
Teenage pregnancy rates have been declining in the United States, but when compared to pregnancy rates in other industrial countries such as Canada and the United Kingdom they are still relatively high. (Office of Adolescent Health, 2016). Teenage pregnancy is defined by UNICEF, as an adolescent between the ages of thirteen to nineteen becoming pregnant. (UNICEF Malaysia Communications). Teenage pregnancy is viewed as a social issue because of the way it affects a country’s economy, the mother and
States. However, there are many ways to reduce the amount of teenage pregnancies (Trudeau). The United States has a problem of teenage pregnancy occurring with the most occurring in the capital Washington D.C. where there are a diverse group of teenagers (Dawani). This shows that our nation has a problem of teenage pregnancy, but the most is in a well civilized area in our nation. Studies have shown that The highest rate of teenage pregnancy in a developed country occurs in the United States with the
may make, on average, $20,000 to $40,000 a year. The reality of teenage pregnancies can cause many disturbances in an adolescent 's life. High school pregnancies are not glitz and glamour like television may portray, in reality, expecting teenage mothers are not exposed to that fashionable life that most teenagers strive for. A student 's normal like will be affected by problems with friends, family, and emotional experiences. Teenage friendships are what shapes a human into the people that they become