Testing cosmetics on animals

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    than 100 million animals die every year in U.S. labs? Many people believe it's wrong because it kills animals, but big companies still love it. Testing on animals can be traced back all the way to the 17th century in the UK during Harvey’s experiments to demonstrate blood. I believe that animal testing should be banned in the field of cosmetics, because there are already over 1000 ingredients already proven safe. Animal testing is wrong in many ways one of those being that cosmetics are mercilessly

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    life. Animals feel such a thing while subjected to tests in cosmetic labs all around the world. Therefore, animal testing should be banned in cosmetics because animals are poked and prodded inhumanly in laboratories, new scientific advances like growing human skin are available, and society wants safer ways to test maquillage products out. Therefore, banning the brutal ways sweet creatures are experimented on needs to happen. The first resort in history to test the products out were animals. Now,

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    products. The harm that occurs is thousands of animals getting burned, crippled, poisoned, and even killed due to the harmful substances scientists try to use to improve cosmetics. Testing of animals for cosmetics, to some people, is pointless. Animals do not react the same as humans when a substance is on their skin, simply because they are not human and do not have the same skin type. The ugly secret of the beauty industry is that innocent animals are suffering and dying from the processes used

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  • Better Essays

    Animal Testing Cosmetics

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    • 8 Pages

    The subject of animal testing in cosmetics has been a never-ending debate between those who approve, and those who disapprove. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) defines cosmetics as "articles intended to be applied to the human body for cleansing, beautifying, promoting attractiveness, or altering the appearance without affecting the body's structure or functions."; this includes eye and facial makeup, skin cream, perfume, lipsticks, nail polish, moisturizers, shampoos, deodorants, scrubs, and

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  • Decent Essays

    Testing cosmetics on animals is not only cruel and inhumane, but it has been proven to produce inaccurate results. Testing on animals has become an every day occurrence and routinely happens in the cosmetic industry. It costs billions of dollars each year and produces ineffective results. Animals are treated inhumanely during testing, as they are shaved and have chemicals spread onto their bodies and chemicals sprayed into their eyes. Animal species are different just as animals are different from

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  • Good Essays

    Animal Testing: Cosmetics According to People for the Ethnic Treatment of Animals (PETA) over 100 million of animals such as rabbits, guinea pigs, rats, dogs, primates an other kinds of species are tested on each year. Cosmetics companies say it’s a necessity, but in reality it is not there are other ways of testing, such as artificial testing. Some companies saw the error of their ways and they turned away and did other things. It is wrong to test on animals it effects them in many different ways

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  • Decent Essays

    Testing cosmetics on animals good or bad Some people think that using animals for cosmetics,and testing cosmetics on animals is good and helps the animals and people, others think it’s wrong….. Women, who are the major consumers of cosmetics, largely oppose animal testing of cosmetics, with 72 percent of those polled opposed. Most women - 70 percent - think animal testing of cosmetics should be illegal. Strong majorities of women think animal testing of

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  • Decent Essays

    Many people believe that animal testing for cosmetic products and substances should not be banned completely. The ECO Friendly Blog writes, “testing cosmetics on animals before introducing them to the public is needed for the process, or people would be exposed to products that are potentially harmful” (“Pros and Cons in Cosmetic Animal Testing” par. 4). This suggests that if you don’t test cosmetic products on animals it puts the lives of humans at risk every time the product or substance is being

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    the world's major cosmetics manufacturers have long used animals to test both the makeup, perfumes, hair products, lotions and other body products. This has been considered one of the worst forms of animal abuse. Animal Testing in the cosmetics industry has been banned in the EU since 2009, but there are still countries like the US and Japan that manufactures and sells products containing ingredients or finished products that are tested on animals. This is why many million animals suffer from eye damage

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    “According to the view that an animal 's moral claim is equivalent to a moral right, any action that fails to treat the animal as a being with inherent worth would violate that animal 's right and is thus morally objectionable (Gruen).” This quote relates to a serious matter in that the use of animals in the testing of cosmetics is inhumane. Animal testing for the sake of cosmetics is a cruel, unethical and an unnecessary method of practice. There is debate among the companies in this practice (as

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