In a nutshell, Big Sky/Big Money is a documentary about the increasing about of money that goes into Montana’s senate elections. This documentary mainly focuses on 501c4s, which are groups meant to focus on issues rather than specific campaigns. However, the documentary shows that this is in fact not the case, and that certain 501c4s have been heavily involved in specific campaigns, even going so far as to collaborate with people involved in these campaigns. Traditionally, Montana is very strict
The documentary “Big Game, Big Money: Illegal wildlife trade”, produced by The Financial Times, illustrates the underlying facts of illegal wildlife trading (IWT). The number of poached rhinos in South Africa has been increased drastically from 13 in 2007 to 1215 in 2014, accounting for nearly 5% of rhinoceros’ population. The documentary looked into the demand and supply sides of the wildlife trading industry and it poses a real challenge to crack the business down. Rhino and pangolin mentioned
There is no question that sports are a big part of American culture. Almost anyone that you speak with has a favorite team in some kind of sport. These beloved sports are not cheap, however. The sports industry pumps out billions of dollars each year. While a lot of this money goes towards stadium renovations, front office benefits, and marketing, nearly half of the money spent on sports in America goes toward the salaries of the players. Daniel Roberts, a sports writer for the popular Sports Illustrated
to the pot, eyeing up the cash in the middle of the yellowing pool table. I could see his nose crumble weighing up his options or maybe that was just the smell of stale beer and cigarettes. I saw him imagine all of the things he could do with the money. It was a lot to win but also a lot to lose. Could he afford to give away all of his savings? How would that conversation with his wife go? A sharp crack cut the silence, his
Moore English Period 1 2/26/15 Money is a big part of life. However, people tend to have a misconception that money contributes to happiness. It is not possible to “buy happiness". Conversely, everyone should be aware that it is friendships, good health, and family that truly brings one happiness to which a person aspires. In the book The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald, the concept of money being able to buy happiness is a widespread theme. Money is unable to create a sense of contentment
day to day operations I work directly with the aforementioned banks and felt that it would be beneficial to analyze these institutions letters to shareholders. I also felt that it would be insightful to analyze the forward looking opinions of the big money center institutions and compare that to a National Bank such as Valley National Bank. All four institutions had a reoccurring theme of; the global economy has been challenging but by leveraging the knowledge of their respective franchises globally
How Money Plays a Big Role The Play, A Raisin in the Sun, written by Lorraine Hansberry, is a story about an African American family, the Youngers, who live in an awfully, small sized, ghetto apartment in Chicago. The Youngers include, Lena the mother aka Mrs. Younger, Walter her son, Beneatha her daughter, as well as Ruth her daughter in law and Travis her grandson. The Youngers, essentially, establish a decent perspective of how money, poverty, and racism all play a role in society as well as
Prom, The Big Money Waster Prom, a teens right of passage before they enter the real world. In Mcps the students the can attend prom are the seniors and Juniors. Movies may make prom seem like the “golden spoon” of high school, but in reality its not needed. Prom doesn’t need to be in Mcps and should be removed, since students spend close to one thousand dollars for one night, as they’re too much expectations for prom, which causes many students to make stupid decisions and engage in risky behavior
The advertisement “Little Money Big Difference” conveys a persuasive message, that by donating only the small amount of five dollars a week can help feed someone in a third world country who has suffered from an extreme drought like Kenya. The advertisement uses pathos (emotional) appeal the most and targets women who spend money on expensive designer bags. The advertisement’s image reaches out to women by sending a message of reflection. It strives to make women feel bad and guilty for buying unnecessary
Another type of subjectivity used to aestheticize the 20th century can be found in John Dos Passos,’ The Big Money. In this novel, Dos Pasos’ uses two major types of subjectivity to re-present the past. The first type is the use of the characters to symbolize a larger idea present in 20th century American society- the loss of humanity in the pursuit of material success and ideological aspirations. This form of subjectivity is comparable to Pound’s use of characters. However, Dos Pasos’ subjectively