Introduction Cleft lip is formed when a baby’s nose and mouth do not form properly in the womb. These children are born with deformations to the mouth and nose. There are four main types of cleft lip that involve incomplete single and double clefts and also complete single and double clefts that cause deformations completely into the child’s nose. This can cause complications for the child to eat and breathe properly, but a series of surgeries can fix this complication. The cleft lip is basically
Cleft lip and cleft palate are abnormal deformities that develop before the embryo is born from the mother’s womb. Cleft lip is considered a gap in the skin of the upper lip, and a cleft palate is an opening in the roof of the mouth, which in certain occasions can also affect other areas of the face in newborns. Such areas are the nose, ears, forehead and eyes. Clefts deformities can be identified through prenatal ultrasounds on unborn babies. In those newborn infants they can be seen once baby is
Cleft lip and/or cleft palate are group of conditions that include cleft lip (CL), cleft palate (CP) or both (1). Cleft lip alone and combined cleft lip and palate defects are twice as common in males as females, while cleft palate alone is more common in females (2). Cleft Lip and/or Palate conditions are the most common facial birth defects which occur in all races, both sexes and all socioeconomic groups and their distribution vary from country to country and they account for 65% of all head
A cleft can be defined as a “split or separation”. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, approximately 2,650 babies are born each year in the United States with a cleft palate and “it is estimated that 4,440 babies are born with a cleft lip with or without a cleft palate (Facts about Cleft Lip and Cleft Palate).” Cleft lip and palate are congenital birth defects which could lead to problems with feeding, breathing, hearing, speaking and language development. Many of the
Senior Paper: Cleft Lip and Palate The power to change someone’s life is right in our own hands. There’s needs for children that we can reach. Cleft lip and palate children need the support from the community, family, friends, and from the medical professionals. The improvements for support is crucial to a better future. What I Knew The knowledge I had of this topic was minimal. My family was affected by the birth defect, cleft lip/palate; my nephew, Sawyer, (6 months old), and my older sister
researched into the subject of CLP or cleft lip/ pallet. Their studies have shown that in the United States of America, roughly 2,650 babies were born with cleft lip and roughly 4,440 babies were born with the cleft pallet with in the last year. 1/700 babies are affected by this particular genetic disorder. (C. Murray) However, having this disorder does not make you more likely to have another disorder. With numbers so high, that leaves the question of what is a cleft lip/ pallet. When a baby is developing
of life and its influential factors of children and adolescents with congenital cleft lip and palate]. PURPOSE: To investigate the quality of life of children undergoing cleft lip or and palate repair as well as the influential factors of the quality of life, and provide theoretical foundation for future studies such as psychological interventions. METHODS: Totally 164 children and young adolescent patients with cleft lip and palate undergoing maxillofacial surgery and orthodontic treatment in Xuzhou
Cleft palates are birth defects. It is a malformation at the roof of the mouth or a split in the top lip. The defect begins at the embryonic stages of an infant’s life (Masih, Chacko, Thomas A. , Singh, Thomas R. , & Abraham 2014). There are many theories of what factors into a child developing a cleft palate. Some of those risks are: maternal alcohol consumption, drug abuse, smoking during pregnancy, and aged paternal genes (Tettamanti L. , Avantaggiato A. , Nardone M. , Silvestre-Rangil J.
In India 28600 infants are born with cleft lip and palate every year. Various techniques have been proposed for correction of cleft lip and palate and the ultimate goal of all the techniques is to achieve facial appearance and aesthetics comparable to normal. But even after meticulous surgery and precise correction of defects residual lip and nose deformities still exists like nostril floor width asymmetry, shortened columella, reduced lip length, shortened nasal tip projection etc. Assessment
A cleft palate (CP) occurs during the embryonic stage of life and is a craniofacial malformation (Masih et al., 2014). This oral malformation varies within babies as well as in severity. CP can range from an opening at the back of the soft palate (the soft portion on the roof of the mouth), to a nearly complete separation of the roof of the mouth (Masih et al., 2014). During the time of development CP and cleft lip (CL) are results of the maxillary prominence not joining together with the frontonasal