jean shorts with the yarn design at the bottom and threw on my white pug shirt with gold glitter at the top. “Come on let's go!!!!!” Shouted a voice coming from the upstairs living room. I was so excited! And you know what I was gonna ride? The Mind Eraser! The scariest ride at the park! This time I wasn't gonna wimp out. “Everybody Ready to go!?”My dad shouted loudly. “Ya!!”All of us shouted at once with excitement. I speeded fast as a humming bird as I climbed the seven stairs. “I'm sorry you
sensation with ten Grammy nominations and two wins, along with three very successful albums. Ed Sheeran’s song “Eraser” is the first song on his newest album Divide. It includes many personal lines emphasizing how fame has affected his life negatively. While Ed Sheeran has many songs describing this pain such as “Take it Back”, “You Need me I Don’t Need you”, and “I’m a Mess,” the song “Eraser” uses rhyme scheme, imagery, and repetition to convey that fame and the music industry has altered his daily
Depression comes in many forms, sometimes its hard to tell people about, but this disorder can affect a persons mind majorly. It can just as well affect the way a person thinks or acts, it affects their will to do daily activities (national institute of mental health). Ordystheymia, a case of depression that lasts around two years, it causes cases of major depression
they really were. Angel was missing from the group in the toy store so Max started off by going to check the stuffed animal section. This was where she found Angel talking to to an old lady. Max’s worries had faded some because the wolf men called Erasers, don’t usually live for more than five to six years. The lady that was talking with Angel decided to buy the stuffed bear that she wanted so badly. The old lady walked up to the register with Angel, pulled out her wallet, paid for the the bear, and
wings she has the vision of a raptor, light bones like a birds with extreme strength and speed. With the attributes that Max has she is literally built to kick Eraser butt and defend her flock. Max has dirty blonde hair, brown eyes, and can fly at a top speed of about 200 mph. She is always
pencil top eraser. The second reason was because me and my friend was not the most appropriate people in our school. We were always doing something bad. The day this happened was pretty normal. I was not listening to the teacher that well, and he was yelling at me and another boy for not writing or spelling tests in cursive. I got suspended almost every year from 2nd grade to 8th grade. I already got suspended once that year. It got me out of class so I did not mind it. I didn’t mind going to the
the stories they concisely tell. The Norton describes poetry as, “The patterned arrangement of language to generate rhythm and thereby both express and evoke specific emotions or feelings in a concentrated way” (699 Mays). The lyrics in the song “Eraser” by Ed Sheeran tells an intense story about society’s expectation, fame, and growing up. Through the words within the short verses, listeners are exposed to relatable themes that make them become emotionally involve with the lyrics. Asides form
of the difficulties they are encountering” (Norman 9). I have been using whiteboard erasers for my entire academic career and have always subconsciously noted the fact that using them, especially on a large board, comes with its issues. They can be tiring and difficult to reach and clean the entire board, due to the small handheld eraser that has been adopted and remained relatively unchanged. The whiteboard eraser in the studio classroom seems to have been overlooked by the user group perhaps for
basic problems and taking preventative steps, you’ll be doing all you can to help the floors maintain a great look. Remove Scuff Marks Using An Eraser Some shoes are prone to leaving scuff marks behind when they drag across a wood floor. This isn’t damage that you need to live with forever, sine they are easy to remove if you have a large pencil eraser. It is an effective way to remove damage caused by shoes on the floor’s surface, and won’t damage the wood in the process. All you need to do
All I wanted was a duck eraser. When I was younger, my older cousin would ask me to be a part of her psychology research for college. She promised that if I did what she asked I could get the duck eraser I wanted. During my junior year I had space for an extra class. Remembering how much fun I had being apart of my cousin’s experiments and learning about her research, I decided on taking AP Psychology. I am extremely glad that I took the class because I learned a copious amount and had so much fun