Collis Potter Huntington was a man who was known for his nonstop ambition, great railroad builder and an extraordinary financier. Many people know him as part of “The Big Four” or the man who was involved in the transcontinetal railroads. The transcontinental railroads was Huntington’s prodigious project of his lifetime, but he had his hand in a little bit of every business in the United States. Huntington’s ambition did not let him stop after his success with the transcontinental railroad, he kept
Throughout this Psalm the reader is reminded of Gods divine power, and the past miracles that have been bestowed on the Israelites. The third and final reminder comes at the end of the Psalm, where the people are reminded that God handpicked the tribe of Judah, and handpicked David. This reminds the people to never forget they are the chosen people and God handpicked them. All three of these themes combine to produce the authors message-- As long as we trust in God we will be ok, we are the chosen people
1 Kings 12 - Rehoboam and Jeroboam A. Rehoboam and the division of Israel. 1. (1-5) the elders of Israel offer Rehoboam the throne of Israel. And Rehoboam went to Shechem, for all Israel had gone to Shechem to make him king. So it happened, when Jeroboam the son of Nebat heard it (he was still in Egypt, for he had fled from the presence of King Solomon and had been dwelling in Egypt), that they sent and called him. Then Jeroboam and the whole assembly of Israel came and spoke to Rehoboam, saying
This brief book of the Hebrew Bible is very significant in that it is one of only two of the Minor Prophetic books that are addressed entirely to a nation other than Israel and Judah. The Book of Obadiah deals with the ancient feud between Israel and the nation of Edom, between the descendants of Jacob and those of his brother Esau. Through the prophet Obadiah, the Lord expressed His indignation at the nation of Edom. When they should have been helping their relatives, they were gloating over
AFRICA NAZARENE UNIVERSITY TOWN CAMPUS NAME: NJIHIA MARK ADM NO: 12S03ABT003 DEPARTMENT: UNIVERSITY COMMON COURSES COURSE: UCC 105 OLD TESTAMENT LECTURER: Dr. THUO TASK: DESCRIBE THE HISTORY IN THE OLD TESTAMENT DUE DATE: 28th January, 2013 Introduction The Old Testament was written over a wide historical period, it describes the relationship of God and the people of Israel before the coming of Jesus. To make it easy to explain the history in the Old Testament, I have seen
Jehoshaphat Submitted By: Timothy L. Rhiney OTS 315 Ancient Israel Dr. Hannah Harrington February 21, 2012 Introduction Thesis Statement of Points The power of God A. Pray and seek the Lord God Answers Jehoshaphat's prayers So why pray? A. Prayer admits our own limitations B. Prayer opens our eyes to the power of God IV. Conclusion/Summary Bibliography Introduction:
prophecies of Jeremiah in the book. The book of Jeremiah was actually put together in a later time, most likely in the late 6th Century BC, at the end of the Babylonian Exile. This took place when the people of Judah finally got permission to go home. Jeremiah’s setting is in Ancient Judah, during the time that Jeremiah’s prophecy, from roughly 630 to 580 BCE (Harrison 454). It is a time of extreme suffering, warfare and destruction. The destruction of the northern kingdom of Israel had happened around
Exodus marks the start of Israel as a people. They were an extended family, under a dynasty of strong pharaohs. They oppressed Israel and put them to forced labor, for fear of their number size. Still, they multiplied faster, therefore, a decree was issued to destroy them by ordering the death of all baby boys. At this particular time Moses was born, from the tribe of Levi. Although trained as the son of Pharaoh’s daughter, yet, his own mother was hired to care for him due to her placing him in
the Hebrew Bible. In the Bible, Rimmon, often called en-Rimmon, is mentioned five times twice in Joshua, once in 1 Chronicles, once in Nehemiah, and once in Zechariah. Joshua 15:21-31 lists it at one of the 29 “southernmost towns of the tribe of Judah in the Negev towards the boundary of Edom.” Joshua 19:7 further explains its position in the nation of Israel, adding it to the lot of the tribe of Simeon, whose territory was inside that of Judah’s. 1 Chronicles 4:32,
The book of Amos is the earliest preserved example of classic prophetic writings. It consists of nine chapters, but Amos did not write the entirety of them. “A majority of scholars think that not all of the material in Amos goes back to the prophet himself but was added later by ancient editors of the book.” The anthology contains a variation of materials: prophecies, visions and addresses from Amos to the people of Israel. Two major themes of the book are the social injustice in Israel, and the