Thomas Cochrane was born on December 14, 1775 in Annsfield, Scotland. He was the eldest son of Archibald and Anna Gilchrist Cochrane, and had three brothers: Archibald, Basil and William. Thomas received little to no formal schooling, which taught him to be self-reliant and practical. Thomas shared his eccentricity and intellectual curiosity with his father, a scientist and inventor. In November of 1784, Anna Cochrane passed away. Soon after, Thomas was sent to Mr. Chauvet’s military academy in Kensington
the emotions that one feels when diagnosed with cancer. The patient is ultimately suffering from the whole ordeal physically and emotionally. Music interventions are employed to “alleviate symptoms and treatment side effects in cancer patients” (Cochrane review). A recent study of music therapy interventions was conducted on 1,891 participants. The study was offered by music therapists and medical staff.
The aim of Maddy, Capiluto & McComas (2014) was to review the research evaluating the effectiveness of semantic feature analysis on reducing anomia in individuals with aphasia. They used seven databases to search for articles, and seven terms. The author’s search initially identified eighty-eight articles, eighteen of which were relevant. The authors then focused on research that was experimental in nature, examined semantic feature analysis as a treatment method, and included participants that were
Introduction Evidence Based Practice (EBP) is the process nurses use to conduct research and find recent and credible evidence to support best practice (McCutcheon, 2009). The process of EBP will be applied to the case study about a nurse who did not use EBP in her nursing process. This is important because providing EBP is a core philosophy in the ANMC competency standards for the registered nurse (The Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia, 2016). The report will on build assignment one where
“The intensive care unit (ICU) often is called the epicenter of infections, due to its extremely vulnerable population (reduced host defences deregulating the immune responses) and increased risk of becoming infected through multiple procedures and use of invasive devices distorting the anatomical integrity-protective barriers of patients (intubation, mechanical ventilation, vascular access, etc.)” (Brusselaers,Vogelaers, & Blot, 2011). The purpose of this paper is to develop a research question
The primary method of collecting data for determining why the Epley maneuver isn’t applied to all BPPV patients before referral was several medical database internet search sources. PubMed, Medline, Google Scholar, and The Cochrane Collaboration were used by performing numerous free text and advanced search criteria to include phrases such as: “BPPV”, “Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo”, “Epley maneuver”, “primary care” “family practice”, “general practice” and numerous variants of these combinations
Jepson, R. G., Williams, G., & Craig, J. C. (2012). Cranberries for preventing urinary tract infections. Cochrane Database Syst Rev, 10(10). This article demonstrates Meta-analysis of 24 studies on over-all 4473 people was conducted by Jepson, Williams and Craig in 2012. They mentioned that there were few evidences which show that cranberry juice decreases the
Considering it’s ease of use, simplicity and capability of obtaining a great number of relevant studies in a minimum time. It’s worth noting that electronic searching should be pertained mainly to academic databases like PubMed and Cochrane central. The use of search engines like Google scholar, Intute and TRIP or publisher’s website as springer link and science direct should limited. Making a systematic review from articles obtained from such sources will surely suffer publication
I have applied limiters features on Cumulative Index of Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINHAL) to access free of charge journals and to narrow down my search. First, I typed-in the following terms ‘respect and dignity’ into CINHAL launch a search for related information and it produced 1,023 results, I then used different words ‘ respecting of patient dignity in the hospital ’ in order to obtain a range of articles and it came up with 990 result .Then I narrowed down my search by using
Thomas Ham looked out the rainy window. The cars and trucks passed by. He saw the gray buildings. He was scared. Why? When he got home his mom’s boyfriend was probably. His dad died from saving Tom from a fire. There was no money. They were forced to move to New York City in a small apartment. The yellow bus slowly came to a stop. Tom got off of the bus. Pressed the button to call up to his mom, “Hi, mom” “Hey, you can come up. The key is under the rug,” his mom said. He walked through the passageway