Tom Swift

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    In 1974 Jack began his work on his idea drawing inspiration from a book called “Tom Swift and his Electric Rifle. He first created a device that look like a flashlight. The device used gunpowder to fire two prongs attached to wire up to 15 feet. Once the prongs made contact the device pulsed 50,000 volts into the target causing uncontrollable

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    The hummingbird is one of the most unique animals on our planet. They are equipped with freaky flying abilities and fantastically fast traits, all which make them the distinct animals that they are. How everyday can be a struggle for these nectar consuming flyers just puts me in awe. Hummingbirds have multiple special characteristics that help them to survive in the wilderness. Hummingbirds have a heart rate of 1,200 bpm when flying, and take about 250 breaths per minute. Hummingbirds can beat their

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  • Satisfactory Essays

    hummingbirds, which often have a slender appearance, the bee hummingbird looks rounded As the smallest bird in the world, it is no larger than a big insect and, as its name suggests, is scarcely larger than a bee. Like all hummingbirds, it is a swift, strong flier. The brilliant, iridescent colors of the bee hummingbird's feathers make the bird seem like a tiny jewel. The iridescence is not always noticeable, but depends on the angle at which a person looks at the bird. Diet The bird's bill

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  • Decent Essays

    Hummingbirds Adaptations

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    Hummingbirds are amazing creatures with many incredible adaptations for survival. There are over 300 species around the world today. Read on to find out more about about these unique members of the animal kingdom. Beaks Hummingbirds eat a variety of foods including nectar, insects, and spiders using their perfectly adapted beak. When food is scarce they will even eat tree sap! The hummingbird’s long narrow beak allows it to feed from flowers that other nectar eaters cannot reach. They lap

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  • Better Essays

    The Anna’s hummingbird (Calypte Anna) is a green and grey ball of feathers with the agility of a fighter pilot. They can hover, fly backwards, and even upside down for a short time. They are a medium sized species with the males sporting an iridescent ruby red throat patch and the females sport a lovely iridescent green and grey. They are stocky for a hummingbird, and are better suited for Northern climates. They range from western North America to Baja California, from the southern tip of Alaska

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  • Decent Essays

    Centuries ago, their plumage was used to adorn Native American ceremonial costumes. Even today, some people believe that the hummingbird’s glittering plumage contains mythical powers. However, most of us merely enjoy watching these sparkling gems of the bird world. Hummingbirds live only in the Americas and three species occur in Florida. The ruby-throated hummingbird is by far the most common hummer in our state. This feathered jewel is about 3 inches long and weighs as little as a penny (¼ ounce)

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    Decent Essays
  • Decent Essays

    The Link Between a Hummingbird’s Structure and Function A Hummingbirds is undeniably one of the most beautiful organisms on earth. They are seen very often gracefully flying through gardens from flower to flower. Upon taking a closer look at the humming bird its physical makeup can be examined and also how the structural composition enables it to carry out various functions. The Hummingbird’s Anatomical Adaptations A hummingbird is one of the smallest and most delicate birds. According to Jackson

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  • Decent Essays

    Joyas Voladora Summary

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    In his essay, Joyas Voladora, Brian Doyle describes the powerful life force that is the hummingbird and how it is a “marvel of creation” along with addressing the enormous heart of a blue whale and delicate human heart spiritually. Doyle opens the essay be describing the humming bird as a unique creature with heart that has an average of ten beats per second and is so tiny. What makes the hummingbird unique is that it is found only in the Americas and flies nonstop to find thousands of flowers to

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  • Good Essays

    Comparing A London Fete and Clever Tom Clinch Going to be Hanged This essay will contrast the two poems ‘A London Fete’ written by Coventry Patmore and ‘Clever Tom Clinch Going To Be Hanged’ by Jonathan Swift. Both of these poems are about the hangings in the 17th-18th century. A London Fete was written in the 18th century, whereas Clever Tom Clinch was written in the 17th century. This could have made a slight variation in what the poet had written because of the time variation. For

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  • Good Essays

    Madeleine Roepe EN323 Rzepka 3/9/15 Swift and Blake’s Use of Irony and Persona In Satire In the context of political questions and social activism, irony, exaggeration, humor, and ridicule are all valuable rhetorical tools to expose faults and make a point (New Oxford American Dictionary). Both Jonathan Swift and William Blake confront social systems of oppression in their literary careers, most notably with A Modest Proposal and Songs of Innocence respectively. Swift’s A Modest Proposal is an address

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