Understanding and Treating Depression Americans are obsessed with happiness, yet increasingly depressed. A dominant theme in our society is that you should be happy, and if you are not, there is something wrong with you. Life can be difficult at times and people do not seem to realize that everyone has different circumstances. There are about 15 million Americans that battle the disease of depression. Our society is in the throes of a virtual epidemic of depression (Psychology today). Depression is the most
Depression is the state of feeling awfully sad and without any hope. Depending on the type and duration of your condition, the best way to treat depression is to identify it early. We have two types of depression namely: • Situational depression: is when the patient has depression symptoms mainly because of a particular stress that has just occurred in his/her life. Mostly caused by death, divorce, work etc • Clinical depression: this is when the symptoms wont fade away and the depression begins
When someone says the word depression, it causes a great deal of confusion to American people today. Frequently, depression is used to describe when someone is feeling low, miserable, or having ‘gotten out of bed on the wrong side'. However, doctors use the word in two different ways. They can use it to describe the symptom of low mood, or to refer to a specific illness, Depression. Doctors make a diagnosis of depression after assessing the severity of the low mood, other associated symptoms and
Mckayli Abbe Abnormal Child Psychology 10/23/2015 Treating and Understanding Adolescent Depression Introduction Before there was a name for depression, there was melancholia. Melancholia is an outdated term that was defined as “a mental condition marked by persistent depression and ill-founded fears”. Depression has always been prevalent but as a society we haven’t always had, and still don’t have, a complete understanding of it. The symptoms have seemed to remain constant over time: perpetual
Treating Depression with Moderate Exercise “The emotional burden of depression is high, both to those who suffer from it, family members and will have a considerable impact on the functioning of the depressed individual” (Heighadóttir, 2016, p.1). Depression is complex, in such a way that it not only destroys the victim, but the people closest to them. Even more complex is the treatment of depression and discovering a way to benefit the many people who suffer from the disease. Physical exercise at
ABSTRACT Treating depression during pregnancy is essential to avoid the negative affects depression has on pregnancy, including increased risk anemia, gestational diabetes, preeclampsia, preterm labor, and low birth weight. Recently the methods of treatment have come into question, particularly the use of SSRIs in pregnancy. A controversial debate has arisen as to whether or not they cause negative neonatal outcomes, one of the major consequences being cardiac malformations. The literature available
Treating Adolescent Depression in Primary Care: A Systematic Review Siedah D. McNeil University of Kentucky Treating Adolescent Depression in Primary Care: A Systematic Review It is estimated that 20% of adolescents will experience a major depressive episode by the age of 18. According to the 2014-2015 National Comorbidity Survey-Adolescent Supplement, adolescents diagnosed with a major depressive disorder have a lifetime prevalence rate of 11%, and a 12 month prevalence rate of 7.5%. Of those
Beating the Blues and Cognitive Behavioral Group Therapy: The Future of Treating Depression? Cognitive behavioral therapy is based off the theory that depression is caused by a pattern of negative thinking that may be triggered by upsetting situations (Comer, 2013). This pattern forms maladaptive attitudes, which cause individuals to constantly view themselves, their world, and their future in negative ways (Comer, 2013). Cognitive behavioral therapy is designed to help clients recognize and change
Treating Childhood Depression from a Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Approach Depression in Children: Cognitive Behavioral Approach Patricia Kilgore University of Phoenix Depression in Children and a Cognitive Behavioral Approach Depression in children stem from a variety of factors relating to health, history, life events, genetic vulnerabilities, family history, and biochemical imbalances. Every individual shows
Each year, 19 million Americans are affected by clinical depression, sometimes resulting in suicide (Emedicinehealth, 2011). This clinical depression is not merely a feeling of sadness. The illness affects every day activities and performance. Though there are different types of clinical depression, the most extreme case is major depressive disorder. The reoccurring disorder often prevents individuals from enjoying usually pleasurable activities and causes physical symptoms (Emedicinehealth, 2011)