1. Compare two theories on aging. (not developmental theories) Theories of aging include the Wear-and-Tear Theory of Aging and the Cross-Linking Theory of Aging. The Wear-and-Tear Theory of Aging proposed that the effect of the aging cause by the damage of the body and cell over time (Yoost & Crawford, 2016, p.258). While the Wear-and-Tear Theory of Theory suggests the idea that the human body wear out from hard use, the Cross-Linking Theory of Aging view are more focused on the bond and linkage
their lifestyles and their way of life. The purpose of this discussion board is to compare and contrast two social theories about aging and how it relates to the role of the caregiver. Furthermore, I will discuss the one new
History of Aging There have been multiple disputes over whether our aging depends on the time our genes were programed to deteriorate, or whether aging solely depends on different factors that effect the way we will age over time. A very early theory of aging was from Leslie Orgel in 1963, he believed that errors in transcription from DNA lead to errors in proteins which build-up over time and cause more errors in transcription, creating an amplifying loop that eventually kills the cell and leads
head: Theories of Aging Theories of Aging Nate Aungkuldee Milwaukee School of Engineering –School of Nursing Abstract Gerontological nursing may be viewed as the nursing management for older population. Knowledge of nursing care and competency of caring for elderly become more important as the result of increasing population of old age people in the past decade and expecting in ongoing increasing in the next twenty years. There are many theories of aging
Disengagement theory is the first formal theory of aging. It was first proposed in 1961 by Elaine Cumming and William Hendry. They both were researchers from the University of Chicago. The two developed their theory in their book Growing Old: The Process of Disengagement. In the book they criticized the implicit theory that people can adjust, be satisfied, and happy in old age. They can also be physically involved and remain active throughout their lives. “Cumming and Henry argued that normal aging involves
The Two Major Models of Aging In this assignment, students were instructed to create a mind map using a web-based program called Text2Mindmap. Due to a web malfunction, this paper will be a substitute for the assignment and it will include a similar concept of the mind map. The primary reference will be from the text Development Through the Lifespan by Laura E. Berk (2014). As instructed, this paper will identify differences between the two major models of aging which are disengagement and activity
that influence the aging process, and there are many theories and sub-theories that try to explain the complex process of aging. Aging changes the biochemical and the physiological process. The theory that best aligns with my view of aging is the biological theory because you can see these changes every day; maybe you see them in yourself, possibly others. Cell and molecular biologist examine and propose theories to explain the aging process. There are many biological theories that, in my opinion
Wear and Tear: An Aging Theory Aging happens to everyone, a part of life that is unavoidable. Over the years many theories on aging have been developed and studied. Some theories are biological and some are psychosocial. This paper will depict a clinical situation, encompass the biological theory of aging, the wear and tear theory, and how it relates to the situation and the interactions employed by the Clinical Nurse Specialist (CNS). Clinical Situation James was a farmer, active every day of his
There are many theories of aging that can apply to my leisure in later life; but only two stand out the most. These two theories are the activity theory and the continuity theory. According to Leisure and Aging: Theory and Practice by Heather J. Gibson and Jerome F. Singleton, “activity theory is successful aging, but is often considered a general concept of aging”(Gibson & Singleton p. 54). This theory occurs when individuals engage in a full day of activities and maintains a level of productivity
of aging that are continuously being looked at and studied. Through a process of studies on the aging, those who study gerontology can make conclusions about the elderly and their behaviors. These conclusions, or theories, can be applied to many different disciplines of gerontology. One particular discipline of interest is the role of activities in institutional living facilities. Two theories that are applicable to the role or impact of activities are activity theory and disengagement theory.