have to report each other may cause tension with students as well. As Alyssa Vangeli said herself in “The Honor Code Vote: On Student Senator’s view,” “Students opposed this obligation to take action against another student because they did not see it as their responsibility. They feared that a mandate to confront peers would create friction and that a subsequent report could not easily be kept confidential…” Vangeli explained how the Honor Code puts extra pressure on the students of the college
the unique power to influence the attitudes and actions of a person. Whether it is used as a source of hope and soulful reflection on past struggles, like in Whitney Houston’s When You Believe, or to draw strength and determination to Olympians in Vangelis’ Chariots of Fire, music can provide spiritual, inspirational or hope-filled meaning. In order to inspire and motivate year 12 students, the electrifying Chariots of Fire is clearly a superior choice compared to the spiritual and soulful When You
punishment and should re-educate students on honor codes. Honor codes should not only be sets of rules they should be contain encouragements to students. Honor codes have specific penalties to students who break the rule. One such rule stated by Vangeli is that it is a student's responsibility to report on classmates if cheating and “failure to confront a student
As a student develops the question of a honor system within themselves is based on his or he own integrity. The problem regarding that is it honor codes can range from elementary schools to college. Several may argue honor codes unsuccessful in decreasing cheating or lying in schools. While others may argue that honor codes should be enforced because they promote an honest academic environment within any school. In my opinion, I do agree the honor system should be enforced at my school because it’s
escape captivity by hiding himself in Thanasis’s wheelbarrow. When Thanasis discovers him, Alberto begs the child not to turn him into the German authorities; ‘Prego, prego… Io soldato, ma non fascista. Sarvatemi, sarvatemi.’ Thanasis and his friend Vangelis hide the
technology. The sound scored by Vangelis masterfully mixes the music with the sounds of the world making them both one, turning the city alive. The way Scott makes us
more common and reinforced then they need to be revised.I believe that honor codes aren't very organized. Which makes them hard to read and understand. Sometimes you are reading too much information at once and it gets confusing too. According to Vangeli “students did not fully understand the role of a honor code.” In conclusion, I believe that honor codes are beneficial when needed. I also believe that to be completely useful they need to revised so that students, parents, and staff alike can understand
Futuristic Rights Manmade beings were created as slaves for humanity. These beings are called replicants. Blade Runner, a science-fiction film set in the future, brings up a question about the replicants humanity and their rights. As the replicants are able to think as a human would and seem to feel emotions like a human, their rights are hard to acknowledge. Created to fulfill the will of mankind, they only know a life without choices and opinions. This causes them to have certain desires that
Manmade beings were created as slaves for humanity. These beings are called replicants. Blade Runner, a science-fiction film set in the future, brings up a question about the replicants humanity and their rights. As the replicants are able to think as a human would and seem to feel emotions like a human, their rights are hard to acknowledge. Created to fulfill the will of mankind, they only know a life without choices and opinions. This causes them to have certain desires that seem very humanistic
in 2019 Los Angeles. Almost every set piece serves a purpose in convincing this forced reality upon you. It's one thing to see the world of Blade Runner and another to hear the great work of music the film has. An exquisite masterpiece, composer Vangelis’ has crafted. Blending very well many sounds