Did you know that Venezuela was one of the first colonies to gain their independence from Spain? At the time Venezuela was a Spanish ruled colony and the people of Venezuela felt that their government was ruling their colony terribly (Adelblue). The people were led by Simon Bolivar, whose nickname was “The Liberator” since he liberated Venezuela and worked with San Martin to liberate most of Northern South America (Adelblue). Venezuela declared their independence in 1810 and finally gained their
Introduction The United States and Venezuela have not had been the best relations with one another. Now that the former President Hugo Chávez has passed away, there are still high hopes for the US that all of that will change. Currently, Venezuela is in a tight struggle right now and if it were not for the US they would be still standing. Venezuela is powerful when it comes to their oil, and have very strong polices: however these policies are not working like before so there are some considerations
Introduction: Venezuela is a country in South America that occupies the northern coast. It has a population of 30.4 million people according to a 2013 survey. The entire country of Venezuela is about a third larger than Texas. Venezuela shares its border with Columbia to the west, Guyana to the east, and Brazil to the south. The GDP per capita in 2013 was $14,414 US putting Greece on the middle tier on the Global Economic Pyramid. Venezuela’s 2013 inflation rate was also 56.2%. Venezuela has the “largest
Venezuela is a Spanish country located in South America. Venezuela was populated by Spain in 1522 and gained its independence from Spain on July 5th of 1811. Venezuela was also acknowledged on March 30, 1845. The current president of Venezuela is Nicolás Maduro. The Spanish country is bordered by Trinidad and Tobago, Colombia, Guyana, and Brazil. Caracas is the capital of Venezuela; Caracas is just one of the twenty-three states in Venezuela. Caracas was actually named one of the most violent cities
Venezuela In Venezuela, in ancient times it was a paradise for natives who lived on its beaches, tropical forests, and the gentle grasslands of the llanos. The three main tribes that were there were the Carib, Arawak, and Chibcha. Then to many people it was “discovered by Christopher Colombus”. Venezuela was one of three countries that surfaced from the catastrophe of the Gran Colombia in 1830. The Gran Colombia is a name used today for the state that encompassed much of northern South America
were pearls and rare precious metals to be found in Venezuela. With the newly found pearls, the Spanish colonizers started developing extractive policies to harvest these pearls and metals to the point where new ways and resources had to be found. In the 1520’s, instead of extracting resources and treasures from Venezuela, the Spanish began extracting their native people, taking the people for slavery. The slaves that were extracted from Venezuela were used to supply the growing need for labor in the
OIL IN VENEZUELA Venezuela 's proven oil reserves are among the top ten in the world. Oil generates about 80 percent of the country’s total export revenue, contributes about half of the central government’s income, and is responsible for about one-third of the country’s gross domestic product (GDP). Increases in world oil prices in recent years have allowed Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez to expand social program spending, bolster commercial ties with other countries, and boost his own international
Venezuela, officially known as the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, is located on the northeastern coast of South America. It is bordered to the east by Guyana, the south by Brazil, and the west by Colombia. The country stakes claim to roughly three hundred and fifty square mile of highly fertile and biodiverse land. As of 2015 the population of the country is estimated to be 29,275,940 (CIA, 2015). Throughout Venezuelan history many unique sociological revolutions have occurred and to understand
The livability in the country of Venezuela can be described, at best, as questionable, and at worst, catastrophic. Under a growing poverty rate and an increasingly tighter grip by an authoritarian government headed by President Nicolas Maduro, Venezuela’s quality of life is far off the pace set by some of its western counterparts. The history of Venezuela is a long and tumultuous one, and accurately paints the picture of a country in disarray. From it’s colonization in 1498 up until 1958, the country
The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela was officially founded when it declared and won itsindependence from the Spanish on July 5, 1811. They would fall under the influence and become a part ofthe Gran Colombia, a republic created by the man who liberated Venezuela, Simon Bolivar. However,Venezuela, under the leadership of Josè Antonio Paèz, who would go on to become the country’s firstofficial President on January 13, 1830. Although Venezuela would eventually democratically elect its firstPresident