Vitamins and minerals The vitamins and minerals are substances found in our daily diet foods that promote healthy and balanced development of our body and are also called micronutrients because they are needed in small amounts thereof to achieve that function. Most essential vitamins can not be synthesized (produced) by the body, so it can obtain through the balanced intake of vitamins contained in natural foods. Vitamin deficiency is called hypovitaminosis while excessive vitamin level is called
Vitamin A deficiency in Southeast Asia In order to maintain proper functioning, our body requires nutrients that must be obtained through our diets. Vitamin A, one of the four fat-soluble vitamins, can be obtained through an eclectic variety of sources such as milk, eggs, fish, beef liver, red and yellow vegetables, and dark leafy vegetables (Booth, Johns, & Kuhnlein). The vitamin A that comes from animal provenances is called preformed vitamin A (“Vitamin A”). The configurations of vitamin A that
Vitamin B1 - thiamine Vitamin B2 - riboflavin Vitamin B3 - niacin Vitamin B5- pantothenic acid Vitamin B6- pyridoxine Vitamin B7- biotin Vitamin B9- folic acid Vitamin B12- cyanocobalamin (Wardlaw, Smith, & Collene, 2013) 2. Describe 5 properties or functions that a number B vitamins have in common and identify any exceptions to these (5 marks) • Thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, pantothenic acid, biotin and vitamin B12 cyanocobalamin all aid in energy metabolism • Folate, vitamin B6 pyridoxine and
Mariam Haider Micronutrients Vitamins Written Task Design Brief; Foods are not ‘pure’ substances. Although referred to as protein foods, or carbohydrate foods, this only recognized the food to be high in a particular nutrient. In fact, foods are mixtures of different nutrients and other chemical substances such as toxins, pigments and additives. Protein, carbohydrates and fat are regarded as macronutrients due to the size of their molecules. These nutrients are needed in large quantities
Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) Vitamin c plays an essential role in the functionality of the body. Vitamin c is a water-soluble vitamin which means that it cannot be stored in the body and is excreted out of the body when there is excess vitamin c in the body. Vitamin c has several important roles in maintain body systems, vitamin c develops and forms tissue, collagen, the protein that forms connective tissues, it also helps protect from free radicals that contribute to the development of serious diseases
VITAMINS Introduction Vitamins are organic food substances found only in living things, i.e. plants and animals. They are essential for our bodies to function properly, for growth, energy and for our general well-being. With very few exceptions the human body cannot manufacture or synthesize vitamins. They must be supplied in our diet or in man-made dietary supplements. Some people believe that vitamins can replace food, but that is incorrect. In fact, vitamins cannot be assimilated without also
Supplementary Vitamins taken in by MMSU Students A Term Paper Submitted to: Dr. RITHA B. REYES In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement in English 2 _____ by ALFIE MONJE MARJORIE ANN P. TABIJE BS in Accountancy College of Business, Economics, and Accountancy Mariano Marcos State University March 2011 OUTLINE Thesis Statement: Students take in supplementary vitamins to improve their health. 1. Introduction 1.1 Vitamins 1.1.1 Definition of Vitamins 1.1.2 Importance
Soluble Vitamins Katharine Jones SCI/241 September 22, 2013 Water soluble and fat soluble vitamins are both needed in order for our bodies to not only survive but to thrive as well. Water soluble vitamins are vitamins that are stored within our bodies and are needed daily. If we consume too much water soluble vitamins they will then be excreted through our urine. Water soluble vitamins are metabolized by the process of digestion and then absorption. Fat soluble vitamins are vitamins that
Vitamins for Fatigue Fatigue is a feeling of tiredness. This is usually due to physical, medical condition or mental activity that leaves one exhausted. It is therefore prudent for a person to beat such forms of exhaustion so that their lives go on smoothly. Exercising a healthy diet may be the key to beating such forms of exhaustion. In this case taking certain types of Vitamins may solve this issue. Vitamin B12, is a vitamin that is essential in a human being’s diet. It is usually water soluble
Growing horses require vitamins as a source of nutrient due to the benefits and requirements they need for their body’s. The vitamins growing horses require depend on what their environment looks like. This could range from them being in a stall getting fed grain everyday to being in a pasture eating forage. Some horses are on both a high quality forage and a grain given to them each day. Vitamin requirements also become more relevant when coming closer to the weaning time for growing horses. Some