Walt Whitman Comparisons Essay

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    While both are famous trailblazers the two are vastly different. Incipiently, both poets Emily Dickinson and poet Walt Whitman were well known poets one is considered to be one of America's greatest and most original poets, taking definition as her provience and challenging the existing definitions of poetry and a poet’s work, Whitman on the other hand was considered to be a latter day successor to Homer, Shakespeare and Dante, creating monumental work through the chatted praises from body to soul

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    through a country that believed largely in freedom, which is why the Revolutionary War was fought. The main focus is one two beloved and famous poets, Walt Whitman and Langston Hughes, both great in their writings, however different in their nationalities, Walt Whitman, American, Langston Hughes, African American. “I Hear America Singing” by Walt Whitman and “I, Too, Sing America” by Langston Hughes are very much

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    Angelou and Walt Whitman have these talents. Maya Angelou was raised in a small town in Arkansas, and as a young black woman, she was tested time and time again. Walt Whitman was born in Long Island, New York in the early 1800s, and also saw the world as the true imperfection it was. Both of these authors were inspired by their early lives while writing their poems. The themes found in “Preacher, Don’t Send Me” by Maya Angelou and “I Think I Could Turn and Live with Animals” by Walt Whitman are similar;

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    Walt Whitman’s poetry has a tendency to engage the reader in analytical thinking. His technique relies entirely upon his own sense of rhythm and tone, which occasionally occurs in poetries that stray away from the traditional free verse poem. In “Song of Myself” section ten and thirty-three several structural parallels can be observed, such as the use of imagery and anaphora but, not without also creating a difference in the tones and themes of both poems. Whitman’s particular style of writing

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    Though Whitman and Dickinson use different form, meter, and structure, they convey a similar attitude about nature. Dickinson's use of and Whitman's lack of rhyme is also a huge point of contrast. Emily Dickinson's poem "324" is about keeping god in her life through nature opposed to a man-made building. To illustrate this, she says things like "Some keep the Sabbath going to Church- I keep it, staying at Home" throughout the poem. She capatalizes the word "Home" to emphasize that nature is her

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    There are many similarities and differences in Emily Dickinson’s poetry and Walt Whitman’s poetry. Both poets are important in American Literature. Both Dickinson and Whitman are very descriptive in their poems. Dickinson describes the afterlife in many of her poems and in Part Two: Nature LVII, her recollection Sunday services follows her to the grave and beyond. As Dickinson describes a typical Sunday morning in the cemetery, in lines 5 through 8, she says, “Some keep the Sabbath in surplice;

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    Emily Dickinson and Walt Whitman are very similar, yet very different in the ways they write their poetry. Dickinson is more accustomed to a quiet lifestyle in Amherst Massachusetts whereas Whitman comes from a more exciting background with living in the city and traveling from place to place. Although they are differ in the ways they grew up they both tend to focus on nature in their poems. Walt Whitman’s poetry is normally very long and wordy. He has more of a conversational style rather than

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    Walt Whitman was an American poet,essayist and journalist. Walt was born May, 31,1819. Walt was part of the transcendentalism and realism. He wrote many poems and one of the poems he wrote was I hear America singing. The other poet is name Langston Hughes. Langston Hughes was born February,1,1902, Langston Hughes was an American poet, social activist and novelist. Langston Hughes wrote for many playwright and wrote many poems and one of the poems he wrote was I too sing America. Langston Hughes

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    “A Noiseless Patient Spider” by Walt Whitman A Noiseless Patient Spider is a short poem written by Walt Whitman in the 19th century. The narrator talks about spider’s daily routine of netting a web and compares it to the behavior of human soul. The poem is written in a free verse; it consists of two stanzas with five and six lines respectively. Whitman did not use many images, but was able to successfully demonstrate a mentioned link between spider’s web and human soul. The whole poem is a metaphor

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    The Beat Generation explored and influenced American culture through the authors literature. Walt Whitman “Resist much, Obey little” is quoted from Walt Whitman 's Leaves of Grass. Whitman believed highly in his philosophy of life and humanity. This quote contrasts Allen Ginsberg’s poem “A Supermarket in California” which portrays American conformity within a capitalistic society. Ginsberg uses imagery to portray America’s capitalism commodity fetishism resulting in a loss of individualism. Ginsberg

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