The extraordinary novel, Watership Down, by Richard Adams is an adventure filled, meaningful piece of literature published in London around November 1972. Although the plot is about a group of rabbits struggling to find home, the story can be interpreted as so much more. Of course the book can be interpreted differently especially as times change. The general meaning however remains intact. This piece is a great example of an author speaking their voice through writing. The beginning of the novel
Richard Adams’ exceptional construction of setting in Watership Down greatly assists the preservation of this literary masterpiece. Although being set specifically in the British countryside, Adams’ vivid recreation of the area and landscape that he knew best allows for clear visualization and understanding from a reader of any background. The dire consequences that arise in this seemingly most unlikely and tranquil of places assist the narrative in presenting itself as a serious novel that serves
Today I finished the book Watership Down. The book was fantastic because of it’s big amount of detail which gave it a good dramatic feel to the book and good imagery from the choice of words by the author. The main character in the book Watership Down is Hazel. Hazel is the protagonist and is the leader of a group of rabbits which they left their warren to find a new warren. What traits make Hazel such a good leader? Hazel is never too harsh with his decisions and at one point she took a risk by
The book Watership Down by Richard Adams, is a story that was once told to his children and has been put into a novel. The book shows us the ups and downs during a journey of many rabbits. These rabbits talk in their own language and embark on a crazy journey to a new land. Sandleford is the current home of the rabbits and their journey will take them to Cowslips Warren, there part time home. We will focus on life in Sandleford, the life in Cowslips Warren and the individual rabbits who chose to
Watership Down is a classic adventure novel written in 1970 by English writer Richard Adams. The novel focuses on a small wandering group of rabbits whose’ names are: Hazel, Fiver, Bigwig, Holly, Blackberry, Pipkin, etc. Although, they live in their own world, they possess a culture much like humans do. These rabbits have their own poetry, music, mythology, and language called Lapine. Lapine has different words with roots derived from many different languages. Some words include: Frith, the sun,
Watership down Novel Research Paper Watership Down, by Richard Adams, is a tale of adventure and sorrow seen through the eyes of rabbits as they seek their own place in the animal world. Throughout the novel, the rabbits encounter many incidents with humans, other rabbits, different animals, and machinery. Adams told BBC in 2007 that “the story started on a long car ride with my two young daughters. My elder daughter demanded a story in order to pass the time, so I started making up a story about
Different Systems of Authority in Watership Down Watership Down, written by english novelist, Richard Adams portrays the harsh life of a group of rabbits that is in need of a home. One day Fiver gets a vision that the Warren will be in danger and the whole field will be covered in blood.This causes a group of rabbits to flee the warren and search for a new home. The group of rabbits consist of Bigwig, Hazel, Fiver, Dandelion, Blackberry, and Silver. These rabbits needed certain skills in
The novel Watership down is an extremely well written novel that tells the story of a group of rabbits that venture off and try to establish a new place to live. The Rabbits show a great bond between themselves and stick together as they all share the same feud of finding place to call home. The title of the novel, Watership Down, actually refers to the rabbits’ final destination that they were trying to achieve which was a hill in the north of Hampshire, England. The rabbits in the story show a
Richard Adams’ keen implementation of theme throughout Watership Down remains to be a key reason as to exactly why this book receives the literary praise that it does. Richard Adams was able to take themes that were prevalent in modern society at the time, and find a way to place them within his story about a band of rabbits and their adventures throughout the English countryside. In fact, it is this reason alone as to why the book first gained any sort of popularity or recognition, as American and
In the novel Watership Down, Richard Adams provides many incidents to prove that a good leader develops friendly relationships with his or her neighbors. Throughout the plot Hazel is a good representation of this leader. He is amiable and not afraid to make friends with animals rabbit’s wouldn’t usually talk with. One example is when Hazel and the rest of his original warren were leaving Cowslips misleading warren to continue their excursion. Strawberry, a rabbit apart of Cowslip's warren, wanted