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    Essay On Patch Antenna

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    2 2 Microstrip Patch Antenna Array Fed by Substrate Integrated Waveguide for Radar Applications Chandan Baranwal, ME, BIT Mesra Abstract—A 2 2 microstrip patch antenna array fed by a sub-strate integrated waveguide (SIW) feeding network for 24-GHz radar applications is suggested in this paper. The microstrip patches are aperture-coupled with the feeding network comprising of a perpendicular coax-to-SIW transition and two Y-junction power dividers. The antenna design is performed in the

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    splitter with 60° bend corners is designed and analyzed. The splitting efficiency at its bends has been improved by encapsulating rectangular defect, thereby increasing the power transmission of about 98.1%. A simple antiresonant reflecting optical waveguide (ARROW-B) is a polarization insensitive wave guiding, which utilizes antiresonance reflection and provides better coupling when compared with conventional wave guiding. We performed three-dimensional finite-difference time-domain (3-D FDTD) simulation

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    In the paper titled “An exact dissipation model for arbitrary photonic Fock state transport in waveguide QED systems”, Chen et al. have presented a dissipation model to study the Fock and coherent state transport through waveguide QED (wQED) systems. As the main novelty of their work, they have modelled the environment as a 3D scattering channel (described in a real-space picture similar to the waveguide modelling) and it has been shown that a reduced Hamiltonian can be obtained for arbitrary photon

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    hollow optical waveguide:- optical waveguide is the basic

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    crystal based hollow waveguides, Bragg reflectors and their integrations with electronic devices. 2.2 Literature Review High index contrast gratings have been a very appealing choice over conventional DBRs in terms of high reflection, size etc, also unlike DBRs, they provide phase and polarization control of light. The huge mismatch between the electronic and photonic devices blocks the realization of high

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    | Assignment 2 | Guide wavelength measurements | | | Abstract The purpose of this experiment is to demonstrate: a) The techniques for measuring guide wavelength. b) The relationship between the wavelength in free space and the guide wavelength. Furthermore, this experiment will be a way in which to gain experience in using different types of laboratory communications equipment. Introduction What is wavelength? Wavelength of a sinusoidal wave is the distance between identical

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    1. Introduction Optical antennas are an emerging concept in physical optics. Similar to radio-wave and microwave antennas, their purpose is to convert the energy of free propagating radiation to localized energy, and vice versa. Optical antennas exploit the unique properties of metal nanostructures, which behave as strongly coupled plasmas at optical frequencies. Electromagnetic (EM) waves from low radiofrequencies (RF) to high optical frequencies pervade our environment. They interact with matter

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    objective lens, and the spatial measurements were obtained with a step size of 0.1μm long a horizontal. Typical Raman spectra at ON, and OFF of the waveguide are shown in Fig. 5.3 for G peak and Fig 5.4 for 2D peak position, respectively. These clearly reveal the up-shift in peak frequency where the graphene sits on the underlying silicon waveguide structure. The 2D-peak is well described by a by a symmetric Lorentzian function, a signature of single layer graphene [8]. Rather we found that the

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    Reductions in the cost per peak watt can potentially be made to PV technology by increasing the net flux of solar energy to a given cell area. This can lead to reductions in PV prices independently of advances in PV cell technology126. This application of solar concentration saturates carrier traps inside the material, while raising the thermodynamic efficiency limit. The saturation of traps means charge carries are more efficiently transported, leading to improved overall cell efficiency127. Furthermore

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    Hence, in order to characterize properly the DFB resonant cavity, the determination of both Γ and Q-factors of the guided mode resonance is needed. Γ can be calculated easily by neglecting the grating and considering the laser structure as a uniform waveguide, while the determination of the quality Q-factor is not simple and straightforward for photonic crystal cavities. In the literature, there are few experimental and several numerical methods to determine the quality factor of a DFB cavity. One of

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