WEB APPLICATION SECURITY Table of Contents Introduction to Web Application………………………………………………………………....04 Web Application Attacks…………………………………………………………………………04 Common Application Attacks……………………………………………………………………05 Injection Vulnerability…………………………………………………………………………...06 Cross-Site Scripting……………………………………………………………………………...07 Broken Authentication and Session Management……………………………………………….07 Conclusion……………………………………………………………………………………….08 List of Tables and Figures Web Application Exposed Structure
Web Application A web application is a software or a program that runs on the browsers. Web applications are developed using HTML, client side scripting and server side scripting technologies. They can be a browser based or client based. In browser based, programs run on a browser in a laptop, computer or mobile devices. In client based, a program runs on a computer or mobile device which interacts with a web server using standard protocols. Thus, web application are applications which allow users
Developing Web applications There are some fundamental differences when designing and implementing an application which will run on the web compared to classical desktop applications. In typical web applications the actual work is done remotely on a web-server or the cloud where the user is presented with a user interface built in HTML. Through the use of GET/POST requests or AJAX communication is handled from the client to the server. This communication layer with the back-end is arguably where
A DYNAMIC STRUCTURAL DESIGN FOR WEB APPLICATION WITH CATEGORIZATION OF SYSTEMATIC DEMEANOR 1. INTRODUCTION This research is concerned with the study and analysis of dynamic architecture and proposes an improved structural design based on categorization based dynamic architecture. Categorization of systematic demeanor plays a significant role in dynamic structural design of architecture to determine the systematic approach, browsing, performance, accuracy, multimedia access and navigation.
Motivation: In recent years many types of work is done by web application. Web application plays imperative function in recent years. But now a days hacker can freely ingress web application by using many type of techniques. So it’s mean that web application visualize different kind of security threats. But Sql injection is one of the top most bad attack techniques in the web application. This type of techniques sanction the hacker to gain information to organization database. Attacker dripped
A single page application (SPA) as name suggest is a web application which will fit in a single web page and acts as a source for rest of the application. Various end user interactions are possible via HTML, CSS, JavaScript. For most of the part, development happens on the front-end in comparison to traditional web applications which depend heavily on server-side interactions to reload new web page content. SPA just keeps all the data and the associated business logic in the front-end i.e. it works
Assignment 1: Web Application Attack Scenario (Student’s Name) (Professor’s Name) (Course Title) (Date of Submission) Introduction Web applications are nowadays serving as a company’s public face to the internet. This has created the need to identify threats and attacks directed to data servers and web applications. Hackers exploit vulnerabilities in input validation and authentication affecting the web application in order to gain illegal access and disclose sensitive data or manipulate it
Web server is needed because it’s a hardware that stores web pages and distribute it to the internet. Without a web server, the customers can’t access your web pages if its not distributed to the internet. Computer is obviously is needed or how can you access your own websites or make it, let alone make any changes. Computer system is now a broad category that now stems from desktop, laptop, smartphone, multimedia device 's and so on. It can be accessed by any computer device but to make changes
The web application requires security in order to protect customer data, as part of the application requires the customer to input their name and phone number. Also in order to prohibit unauthorised access and it prevents service interruptions, so Training4U can always provide a good service. Securing the application ensures that only administrators can access the admin pages, and instructors and customers can access their pages through the internet. In order to do this for the administrators a login
Web application is gradually making way into businesses owing to its multi-functionality and client centric benefits. A web application is a mix of two script namely client side like HTML and JavaScript and the server side like PHP. The former script is responsible for presenting data while the latter is utilized for date retention. A web apps project involves primarily 4 phases of project analysis, planning, development and formalization. All 4 phases work in tandem with each other to build an all-inclusive