White lie

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  • Decent Essays

    White Lie Is Still a Lie

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    including ourselves. Moreover, we also have educated that it is better to accept the consequences of my actions than to lie. However, the more we grow up, the more we know about using of lying because telling the truth cannot always solve the problem. From my point of view, some lying is acceptable, some is not. It depends upon what purposes that make people tell lies. A white lie is allegedly one which is done for someone's good and which harms no one. There’s no such thing. The philosophical view

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  • Good Essays

    The Issue Of A White Lie

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    A white lie is a term for a harmless or trivial lie. Humans lie and that is a truth no one can deny. I had dinner at a friend’s house last week and she went out of her way to cook a complex seafood meal, which I did not care for. When asked if I wanted seconds, I said no. My claim was that I was already full. Was that lie? Yes, I lied to be polite, rather than to tell her I did not like the way she prepared the fish. The First Amendment gives us the right to tell these lies without fear of repercussions

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    Good Essays
  • Decent Essays

    lunch. She states that we all tell lies: “We lie. We all do. We exaggerate, we minimize, we avoid confrontation, we spare people’s feelings…” She writes her essay from the first person perspective. She uses exemplification: provides examples of the ways we lie during the course of the day. She states, “I told my client traffic had been bad. When my partner came home, his haggard face told me his day hadn’t gone any better than mine…” Syntax: “We lie. We all do.” This creates a sense of tension

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    Decent Essays
  • Decent Essays

    have tendencies to lie in order to benefit themselves or others. One very common lie is a white lie, which is a lie that is considered harmless and often is used to avoid hurting someone's feelings. Another type of lie is an Out-and-Out lie, which are “complete” or “absolute” lies that are often bad, or the person is trying to avoid trouble. Everybody lies at some point to avoid, protect, or to minimize consequences. However, consequences are determined by the severity of the lie. The less severe,

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    Decent Essays
  • Decent Essays

    We all lie, to say we do not in and of itself is a lie. Humans lie in a multitude of ways. Stephanie Ericsson writes about the falsehoods we tell- is it beneficial or does it cause more damage? The author argues our lies are more powerful than we think; like any other action lies have their consequences. However, even with this knowledge we continue to lie, and include it in our everyday life. I believe your intentions can not justify the action as you are never certain of the outcome.

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    Decent Essays
  • Decent Essays

    1) The author addresses many different lies in her essay. “The White Lie”, describes how someone can lie to basically protect ones feelings. “Telling a friend he looks good when he looks like hell can be based on a decision that the friend needs a compliment more than a frank opinion.” (Ericsson,2004,p121). In “Façade” she describes this lie as one wearing a mask. Creating an image as something else, or someone else such as a disguise. “Facades can be destructive because they are used to seduce others

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    Decent Essays
  • Good Essays

    A White Lie in the Heart of Darkness “He cried in a whisper at some image, at some vision, – he cried out twice, a cry that was no more than a breath – ‘The horror! The horror!’” (Conrad, Heart of Darkness, pg112)1. After returning to Brussels, Marlow pays a visit to Kurtz’ intended and brings these final words of Kurtz with him. When asked to reveal Kurtz’ last declaration, Marlow offers this: “‘The last word he pronounced was – your name.’” (Heart, pg123). He lies.

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    • 4 Works Cited
    Good Essays
  • Decent Essays

    There are plenty of ways to tell a lie, to be honest, it has come to be extremely easy. White lies, a slight alter to the truth that can’t cause too much harm, right? A friend asked me to go see a movie with her and instead of just letting her know that I honestly didn’t want to pay my five dollars to see a movie that I was not interested in, I told her my mom said that I couldn’t leave the house. My friend understood, so why did I not tell the truth? Perhaps, maybe telling a friend that her loud

    • 467 Words
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    Decent Essays
  • Decent Essays

    Little White Lie Thesis

    • 668 Words
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    The film “Little White Lie” follows the life of Lacey Schwartz who is trying to find out why she is black even though both her parents are clearly white. The film starts off with Lacey showing us video tapes starting with her birth and her whole childhood where you can clearly see she looks very different compared to the people around her who are all white. Her parents' first answer to this question was that Lacey inherited her grandfathers gene who was dark skin and was from Italy. The title of

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    Decent Essays
  • Satisfactory Essays

    The Truth vs. the “White Lie” Lying in a marriage is a slippery slope and trust is a delicate thing. I have told my children that a thousand truths can be destroyed by just one lie. Once those truths are destroyed, it is the lie that will typify you. The truth is extremely powerful as well, because you can try to bury it, but you can't kill it. Sooner or later someone is going to dig it up. The truth is an awkward subject that our spouses believe they want to hear no matter what the answer

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    Satisfactory Essays