The first edition of The McGuffey Readers was written in 1836 by William Holmes McGuffey, a devout Presbyterian, raised in 19th century America. These schoolbooks outline the values and expectations of a society built upon a Christian base on the brink of industrialization. Societal relationships were built upon concepts taught in the Readers. The events of industrialization, and immigration will challenge these guidelines and contain interesting results for the use of the Readers morals within society
SHS-1 Andrews-Scott Andrews Memorial Scholarship I have attended Stoughton High all four years and have always had an interest in music. Although it won’t be my major in college, I wanted to do computer music on the side and maybe expand on that in my future. Music has always been a passion of mine and something I won’t give up on. SHS-3 Brennan - Anita Sarah Brennan Memorial Scholarship West Elementary is where I spent 6 years developing my skills as a scholar, but also my love for reading.
On Tuesday February 8th, thirteen high school band members represented our school at the Trailways South Conference Honors Band. It was held at Edgerton Performing Arts Center. The students who participated were Brett Miller, Josh Kupsche, Sierra Wirth, Chris Yezzi, Madison Graf, Tori Nizzi, Madeline Wenzel, Megan Karczewski, Noah Argus, Katie Woodward, Allison Reichert, Summer Manzke, and Arianna Wichman. The students rehearsed all day as a full band with Rick Kirby and performed later that night
Single sex schools, the new and improved way of learning In 2006 federal legislation allowed public school districts to create single- gender schools and classrooms for their students. That was a wise decision considering single sex schools have been proven to benefit students. Although society insist that coed school is a superior learning style and is key to getting better grades they are wrong, single sex schools actually have a better history with the educational performance of their students
2013, 19.6 percent of high school students reported being bullied. Youth violence is the third leading cause of death for people of the age of 15-24. On average 13 people between 10-24 are killed every day. School health index helps schools find their strengths and weaknesses. SHI developed a plan for improving student’s health and safety. Youth violence is a serious problem in the United States. Blaze Bernstein was in a park with a so called friend. January 17, 2018 blaze was found dead in a small
It all started in middle school I got suspended a lot of times for arguing with my teachers. I would argue with my teacher about the smallest things such as talking while they were talking. It made me feel like they never understood why I talked all the time. I always tried to solve problems and most teachers didn’t agree. One time I disrespected my teacher and as a result I got sent to the principal’s office. Walking to the principal office I thought about how close my principal and I were. The
School-related activities: In school, I am involved in the WHAT center, NHS, LINK crew, Del Norte Peer Leaders, CSF, the Del Norte Baking Club, and girl’s soccer. Community activities: Since the sixth grade, I have been a member of National Charity League, a mother-daughter charity group. As a part of NCL, I am on the Ticktocker Council, a student board responsible for managing Ticktocker (the daughters) affairs and coordinating Ticktocker Day, an organization-wide philanthropy project day. For
I was a high school student during the year of 2005 and I clearly remember the changes that were implemented during the reign of our Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger when he signed two important Senate bills that legally prohibited unhealthy food and sugary drinks that were being sold in schools to younger adolescent and children. The initial Senate Bill 12 allowed schools to no longer sell any unhealthy food like chocolate chip cookies, hot Cheetos, or candies for being sold on school grounds (Isaacs
Fading to red, we are presented with stark spray-painted lettering, demanding our attention. Even as buses roll into the lot, a member of high school royalty steps out of her car to the fawning of other students, and hordes of students make their way to class, we can already get the sense that we are in for a film that is very different from the usual high school teenpic. This is Pump Up the Volume. Taken at face value, the plot is absurd as they come: Mark Hunter, whose parents recently relocated
Looking for Alaska is one of John Greens, first novel that he had written. The novel has 2 different sides of stories, before and after. The story begins with Miles Halter introducing himself, who is starting off at Culver Creek High School as a junior student. Memorizing famous people’s last words is Miles favorite thing to do, and he is also looking for his “Great Perhaps.” In the novel Looking for Alaska, there are many “literary allusions.” Literary Allusions is a reference to a person, place