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Ever wondered why the first sentence of an essay is called a “hook”?

The first line of an essay is called a hook because it allows the writer to hook or reel in readers by getting their attention. A well-written essay hook also does the job of getting readers interested in reading further.

Tips to Write an Impressive Essay Hook

A good essay hook is relevant to the type of essay you are writing. To make sure that it sparks readers’ curiosity, you must understand the purpose of your essay and what you want to convey through your writing. It’s also important to research thoroughly before you begin writing.

Depending on the type of essay, there are various strategies to make a great first impression with your essay hook. Here are a few useful ones:

1. Mention an Interesting Fact

If you are writing a medical research paper or a science essay or any other type of writing that is backed by evidence or uses tons of factual data, then using an interesting scientific or statistical fact can help you get off to a good start. It’s important to put in enough research to know that the source from which you are getting the information is reliable. It’s also important to cite the source to avoid being blamed for plagiarism.

For example, if you’re writing an essay on abortion, your hook could read:

The United States is one of the top 20 countries in the world that have high abortion rates.

Source: World Population Review, “Abortion Rates by Country, 2021

2. Ask a Question

Starting your essay with an intriguing question can not only help you grab readers’ attention, but can also help you retain it. Asking a question at the beginning and answering that question through the course of your essay can lure your readers to read on and find out more about the topic. Even rhetorical questions can help get readers’ attention.

Below is an example of a rhetorical question hook:

What is the meaning of life?

Below is an example of a question hook:

Is there a need to reduce carbon emissions?

3. Provide a Piece of Advice

Good advice is useful advice. While it is nice to give your readers some useful advice, you should remember to keep it simple and straightforward. Using a preachy tone may not sit well with some readers. Sometimes, sharing your wisdom is all it takes to get someone’s attention.

Here are a couple of essay hook examples:

A stitch in time saves nine.

You catch more flies with honey than with vinegar.

4. Use a Quote

Who doesn’t like a good quote? Be it a profound quote, a funny quote, or an inspirational quote, there is one for any and every mood. Using an appropriate quote that goes well with the topic of your choice can help you make a good first impression.

If your topic is related to education, then your essay hook could be:

The function of education is to teach one to think intensively and to think critically. Intelligence plus character – that is the goal of true education.” – Martin Luther King, Jr.

If you are writing about gun violence, then your essay hook could be:

“Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent.” – Isaac Asimov

5. Make a Bold Statement

A bold statement can either catch your readers by surprise or evoke some kind of response, which could be positive or negative. A strong statement is one that makes people ponder.

Following are some examples of bold statements that can make good essay hooks:

The next World War will be fought over religion.

The future of online dating belongs to bots.

6. Give an Anecdote

If you have been asked to write a personal narrative essay, then it would be a good idea to start the essay with an anecdote. Since a personal narrative essay is based on one’s experiences or observations and is anecdotal in nature, using an anecdote as a hook could totally work! Also, because it can be challenging to share an anecdote in a single sentence, it is okay to use a small paragraph or two to elaborate.

Here is an example:

Let me tell you how my loud sneezing caused me a great deal of embarrassment.

On a sunny afternoon, when I was 7, I reluctantly went to the supermarket with my mom. She was busy shopping when I had an irresistible urge to sneeze. I wasn’t new to seasonal allergies, but summer allergies caused severe symptoms for me. My sneeze was so loud that it startled an elderly shopper. So much so that she dropped her shopping bag and all its contents. To this day, I haven’t forgotten how embarrassed I was that day. 

7. Tell a Joke

If you can elicit a smile or perhaps a laugh from a reader, you should consider it an achievement! And for that to happen, you’ll have to use humor. You don’t need anything fancy. A simple, nice one-liner can do the trick. Use clean jokes or puns. Never go overboard or use offensive jokes.

For example:

The best thing about the good old days is that we were neither good nor old.

I dislike Russian dolls, they’re so full of themselves.

Old lawyers never die; they just lose their appeal.

I have a clean conscience. I haven’t used it once until now.

Writing a clever hook not only gets your readers interested in what you have written but also shows your creativity. There are various types of hooks you can choose from ranging from an interesting fact to a joke.

Make sure to put in some research before deciding what type of hook is appropriate for your essay. If you’re unsure, then check with your professor about writing guidelines. Cross-check what is allowed and what is not by asking questions and seeking clarification. Also, ensure that your essay adheres to the guidelines before submitting it for grading.

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Writing a great essay hook
A gripping essay hook helps writers impress readers from the get go.