
The Worst Mistreatment Of People With Disabilities

Decent Essays

People with disabilities are part of the society; Are present in any area of human endeavor. The worst maltreatment suffered by individuals with disabilities is that they are not seen, with exceptions, like any other person. Disability is not a characteristic of the subject, but the result of their individuality in relation to the demands that the environment poses. The type and degree of disability that the person suffers from prevents them from using their resources autonomously, being forced to look for other alternatives to meet his essential needs. People with disabilities, in fact, in everyday life, are not like other people: they have limitations and problems that do not affect ordinary people in the same way. The aspect that matters is that these people, with their limitations, have the right as all to the maximum development of all their potentialities. …show more content…

The society, despite its current level of development, violates the rights of persons with disabilities, when it is led by prejudices, when it denies employment and study opportunities to an individual with a disability or when building inaccessible buildings. But accessibility must also occur in all areas available to anyone: health, education, work, culture; Sports, leisure, and recreation, technology, media,

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