
Violence: The Role Of Sexual Violence In The Media

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Sexual Abuse “Stop freaking out; you’re acting like I raped you.” It is so sad and disgusting how this generation is so desensitized about rape, or any sexual abuse. In the recent media, the public has seen high profile cases such as Bill Cosby, where more than forty women have come out with assault allegations. Instead of support and sympathy, some of the reactions were that the women were all lying because family man Bill Cosby could never do that. Others went as far as to make a Halloween theme costume of the alleged rape. Also, who would have thought that a 16-year old girl’s rape would be made viral, but not for the right reason. It was a trending topic on Twitter as Houston-area teen; Jade was shown passed out and undresses, with thousands …show more content…

Through a closer observation of current research, one discovers the scope of violence, the signs to detect its presence in a person’s life, and what programs are in place to help people to protect them and be in better and …show more content…

“There are some risk factors that are associated with the likelihood of sexual violence”(“Sexual Violence: Risk and Protective Factors”). “It is said that a combination of relational, community, and societal factors are what pushed some people into becoming sexual perpetrators”(“Sexual Violence: Risk and Protective”). “Some of the community factors include poverty, lack of employment opportunities, and general tolerance of sexual violence within the community”(“ Sexual Violence: Risk and Protective Factors”). “Next are relationship factors, which include emotionally unsupportive family environment, association with sexually aggressive peers, and involvement in a violent or abusive intimate relationship”(“Sexual Violence: Risk and Protective Factors”). “Finally, are societal factors, which includes high levels of crime and other forms of violence, weak laws and policies related to sexual violence and gender equity, and societal norms that support sexual violence”(“Sexual Violence: Risk and Protective Factors”). This, however, does not condone sexual violence, but now one can see how upbringing has a lot to with another’s behavior, as one get older. This is a very disturbing way to enter life, but not as near as disturbing as the victim’s aftermath of sexual

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