Algebra 1 - 1st Edition - by McGraw-Hill/Glencoe - ISBN 9780078884801

Algebra 1
1st Edition
Publisher: Glencoe/McGraw-Hill School Pub Co
ISBN: 9780078884801

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Browse All Chapters of This Textbook

Chapter 0.10 - Surface AreaChapter 0.11 - Simple Probability And OddsChapter 0.12 - Mean, Median, Mode, Range, & QuartilesChapter 0.13 - Representing DataChapter 1 - Expressions, Equations, And FunctionsChapter 1.1 - Variables And ExpressionsChapter 1.2 - Order Of OperationsChapter 1.3 - Properties Of NumbersChapter 1.4 - The Distributive PropertyChapter 1.5 - EquationsChapter 1.6 - Representing RelationsChapter 1.7 - Representing FunctionsChapter 1.8 - Logical Reasoning And CounterexamplesChapter 2 - Linear EquationsChapter 2.1 - Writing EquationsChapter 2.2 - Solving EquationsChapter 2.3 - Solving Multi-step EquationsChapter 2.4 - Solving Equations With The Variable On Each SideChapter 2.5 - Solving Equations Involving Absolute ValueChapter 2.6 - Ratios And ProportionsChapter 2.7 - Probability SimulationsChapter 2.8 - Literal Equations And Dimensional AnalysisChapter 2.9 - Weighted AveragesChapter 3 - Linear FunctionsChapter 3.1 - Graphing Linear EquationsChapter 3.2 - Solving Linear Equations By GraphingChapter 3.3 - Rate Of Change And SlopeChapter 3.4 - Direct VariationChapter 3.5 - Arithmetic Sequences As Linear FunctionsChapter 3.6 - Proportional And Nonproportional RelationshipsChapter 4 - Linear Functions And RelationsChapter 4.1 - Graphing Equations In Slope-intercept FormChapter 4.2 - Writing Equations In Slope-intercept FormChapter 4.3 - Writing Equations In Point-slope FormChapter 4.4 - Parallel And Perpendicular LinesChapter 4.5 - Scatter Plots And Lines Of FitChapter 4.6 - Regression And Median-fit LinesChapter 4.7 - Special FunctionsChapter 5 - Linear InequalitiesChapter 5.1 - Solving Inequalities By Addition And SubtractionChapter 5.2 - Solving Inequalities By Multiplication And DivisionChapter 5.3 - Solve Multi-step InequalitiesChapter 5.4 - Solving Compound InequalitiesChapter 5.5 - Inequalities Involving Absolute ValueChapter 5.6 - Graphing Inequalities In Two VariablesChapter 6 - Systems Of Linear Equations And InequalitiesChapter 6.1 - Graphing Systems Of EquationsChapter 6.2 - SubstitutionChapter 6.3 - Elimination Using Addition And SubtractionChapter 6.4 - Elimination Using MultiplicationChapter 6.5 - Applying Systems Of Linear EquationsChapter 6.6 - Organizing Data Using MatricesChapter 6.7 - Using Matrices To Solve Systems Of EquationsChapter 6.8 - Systems Of InequalitiesChapter 7 - PolynomialsChapter 7.1 - Multiplying MonomialsChapter 7.2 - Dividing MonomialsChapter 7.3 - Scientific NotationChapter 7.4 - PolynomialsChapter 7.5 - Adding And Subtracting PolynomialsChapter 7.6 - Multiplying A Polynomial By A MonomialChapter 7.7 - Multiplying PolynomialsChapter 7.8 - Special ProductsChapter 8 - Factoring And Quadratic EquationsChapter 8.1 - Monomials And FactoringChapter 8.2 - Using The Distributive PropertyChapter 8.3 - Quadratic Equations: X^2+bx+c=0Chapter 8.4 - Quadratic Equations: Ax^2+bx+c=0Chapter 8.5 - Quadratic Equations: Difference Of SquaresChapter 8.6 - Quadratic Equations: Perfect SquaresChapter 9 - Quadratic And Exponential FunctionsChapter 9.1 - Graphing Quadratic FunctionsChapter 9.2 - Solving Quadratic Equations By GraphingChapter 9.3 - Transformations Of Quadratic FunctionsChapter 9.4 - Solving Quadratic Equations By Completing The SquareChapter 9.5 - Solving Quadratic Equations Using The Quadratic FormulaChapter 9.6 - Exponential FunctionsChapter 9.7 - Growth And DecayChapter 9.8 - Geometric Sequences As Exponential FunctionsChapter 9.9 - Analyzing Functions With Successive Differences And RatiosChapter 10 - Radical Functions And GeometryChapter 10.1 - Square Root FunctionsChapter 10.2 - Simplifying Radical ExpressionsChapter 10.3 - Operations With Radical ExpressionsChapter 10.4 - Radical EquationsChapter 10.5 - The Pythagorean TheoremChapter 10.6 - The Distance And Midpoint FormulasChapter 10.7 - Similar TrianglesChapter 10.8 - Trigonometric RatiosChapter 11 - Rational Functions And EquationsChapter 11.1 - Inverse VariationChapter 11.2 - Rational FunctionsChapter 11.3 - Simplifying Rational ExpressionsChapter 11.4 - Multiplying And Dividing Rational ExpressionsChapter 11.5 - Dividing PolynomialsChapter 11.6 - Adding And Subtracting Rational ExpressionsChapter 11.7 - Mixed Expressions And Complex FunctionsChapter 11.8 - Rational EquationsChapter 12 - Statistics And ProbabilityChapter 12.1 - Designing A SurveyChapter 12.2 - Analyzing Survey ResultsChapter 12.3 - Statistics And ParametersChapter 12.4 - Permutations And CombinationsChapter 12.5 - Probability Of Compound EventsChapter 12.6 - Probability DistributionsChapter 12.7 - Probability SimulationsChapter SH - Student Handbook

Book Details

Chapter 0 Preparing for Algebra Unit 1 Foundations for Functions Chapter 1 Expressions, Equations, and Functions Chapter 2 Linear Equations Unit 2 Linear Functions and Relations Chapter 3 Linear Functions Chapter 4 Linear Functions and Relations Chapter 5 Linear Inequalities Chapter 6 Systems of Linear Equations and Inequalities Unit 3 Nonlinear Expressions, Equations, and Functions Chapter 7 Polynomials Chapter 8 Factoring and Quadratic Equations Chapter 9 Quadratic and Exponential Functions Unit 4 Advanced Functions and Equations Chapter 10 Radical Expressions and Geometry Chapter 11 Rational Functions and Equations Unit 5 Data Analysis Chapter 12 Statistics and Probability

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