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How Do You Say “Because” in Spanish?

Answer – The word “porque” often functions as the Spanish equivalent of the English word “because”.


The word “because” is used to indicate causation – to inform that a particular event or occurrence was the result of certain factors or a preceding event. It is often translated into Spanish as “porque”. 

English: He went home because it was late.

Spanish: Se fue a casa porque era tarde. 

The word comes from the Latin phrase “pro quid” meaning “for that”. There also exist various iterations of “por” and “que” together and separately, and with and without accents to discuss or question causes.

However, “ porque” is not the only Spanish word that can be used to establish causation. There are also rules that accompany its use that do not apply to the use of “because” in English: sentences cannot be started with “porque”, and it has to be followed by a clause that can be independent. Also, the commonly used phrase “because of” cannot be translated into “porque de” (the Spanish word for “of “ is “de”). The range of Spanish words and phrases used to mean “because” includes “por”, “como”, “a causa de” and “el porqué de”.