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A Driver Averages 80 mph While Traveling to a Destination and 40 mph While Returning the Same Distance. Find the Time Taken for Each Trip if the Entire Journey Took 8.7 Hours.

Answer – The time taken for the onward trip is found to be 2.9 hours, while the time taken for the return trip is found to be 5.8 hours.


The rate at which an object moves is defined as the total distance covered by it in a particular period of time. So if the object moves at a constant rate, the distance it covers/travels is given by the formula:

Distance traveled  d = Rate of movement r Time taken t

This is known as the distance time rate formula and is often used to solve simple word problems related to speed in math.

To answer the given question, let us begin by considering the distance traveled each way as D.

Since we’re required to find the time taken for the individual trips, we can start by finding the distance traveled during each trip. For this, we modify the distance rate time formula as:

Time taken= Distance traveledRate of movement

Total time taken =Distance traveled during onward tripRate of movement during onward trip + Distance traveled during return tripRate of movement during return trip

Let’s now substitute the values we know in the above formula:

8.7 = D80 + D40

On simplifying further using the lowest common multiple, we get:

8.7 = D + 2D80

  8.7 = 3D80

 D = 8.7 × 803 = 2.9 × 80 =232 miles

Now that we know the distance traveled during each trip, we can find the time taken for each journey too:

Time taken for onward trip=Distance traveled during onward tripRate of movement during onward trip = 23280 = 2.9 hours

Similarly, Time taken for return trip=Distance traveled during return tripRate of movement during return trip = 23240 = 5.8 hours

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