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How Do You Find the Average Value of the Function f(x) = 15 − x on the Interval [4,9]?

Answer – The average value of the function f(x) = 15 − x on the interval [4,9] can be found using the formula favg = 1b  aabf(x)dx as 17/2.


Before getting into the calculations for this problem, it might be useful to first visualize the graph of a function f(x) that needs to be averaged on an interval a to b. The below graph illustrates such a function:

A graphical representation of the average value of a function

Remember that we arrive at the area under the curve when we calculate the value of the integral of the function from a to b.

Now, let us assume that the rectangle in the graph is a container holding water, which settles at a particular level once the water is steady. The height of this steady level is what we can consider to be a representation of the average value of the function f(x) on the interval [a,b], indicated by favg .

favg can now be defined so that the area of the rectangle equals the area under the curve (which is the highlighted area).

Area of the rectangle = Area under the curve

Height of the rectangle x Width of the rectangle =abf(x)dx

favg (b  a) =abf(x)dx

favg = 1baabf(x)dx

This is the formula to find the average value of a function f(x) on the interval [a, b].

If we are unable to remember the formula at any point, we can easily deduce it by following the above steps.

Now, coming back to the given question, we have f(x) = 15 − x, b = 9, and  a = 4.

On substituting these values in the equation for the average value of a function, we get:

favg = 19449(15  x)dx 

favg = 15 (15x  x²2), which must be evaluated for the interval 4 to 9

favg = 15 [(15(9)  922)  (15(4)  422)]

= 15 [(135  812)  (60  162)]

= 15[(1892)  52]

= 15 [852]

= 172

Thus, the average value of the function f(x) = 15 − x on the interval [4,9] is 17/2.

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