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How Do You Find the Radius of a Cylinder Having a Height of 21 cm and a Surface Area of 200𝛑 cm²?

Answer – The radius of the given cylinder can be found using the formula for the surface area of a cylinder A = 2πrh + 2πr2 as 4 cm.


When given the height and surface area of a cylinder, we can use the below formula to find its radius:

A = 2πrh + 2πr2

This is the formula for the surface area of a cylinder, where A is the surface area, r is the radius, and h is the height of the cylinder.

From the question, we know that A = 200π cm2 and h = 21 cm. We can substitute these values in the above formula and solve for the radius r of the cylinder.

200π  = 2π r (21) + 2π r2

To simplify the equation further, we divide both sides by 2π:

200π  = 2π r (21) + 2π r2

÷2π        ÷ 2π

100 = 21r + r2

Now, we subtract both sides by 100 to get a quadratic equation in r:

   100 = 21r + r2

100      100

r2 + 21r  100 = 0

Finally, we solve this quadratic equation in r by factoring as shown below:

 r2 + 25r 4r  100 = 0

 r (r + 25)  4 (r + 25) = 0

(r  4) (r + 25) = 0

r  4 = 0 or r + 25 = 0

 r = 4 or r = 25

But since r represents the radius of the cylinder, it cannot be negative.

Therefore, the radius of the cylinder is 4 cm.

We can also verify our answer by substituting the value of r in the surface area equation:

A = 2πrh + 2πr2

A = 2π (4) (21) + 2π(4)2

A = 168π + 32π = 200π cm2

Thus, the radius is, in fact, 4 cm.

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