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Is the Square Root of 25 a Rational or an Irrational Number?

Answer – The square root of 25 is a rational number.


Rational numbers are all numbers that can be expressed as fractions of integers, as long as the denominator is not zero. If s and t are integers, st would count as a rational number as long as t≠0. 

The set of rational numbers includes all integers and whole numbers as well, as they can all also be expressed as fractions where 1 is the denominator.

Irrational numbers, on the other hand, are those numbers that cannot be represented as simple fractions or ratios. Their decimal points repeat and/or go on endlessly. π (pi) is a well-known example of an irrational number. The value of π is 227, which in decimal form is often rounded off to 3.14. However, it’s full value goes on: 3.1415926…  

The square root of 25 is ±5. It is an integer, and can also be expressed as a simple fraction, 51. Therefore, 25 is a rational number.

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