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Solve 2+2×4

Answer – The solution to 2+2×4 is 10.


To solve this problem, one should follow the DMAS rule. 

The DMAS rule gives the order in which operations should be done in a problem that has more than one operation. According to this rule the order of operations is first division, second multiplication, third addition and finally subtraction. 

The problem 2+2×4 involves the operations of addition and multiplication. Applying the DMAS rule here, multiplication must be done first. The multiplication sign lies between the numbers 2 and 4. Therefore this operation must be solved first. 


The next step is to perform the addition.


Thus, 2+2×4=10

While reading the problem above from left to right, the addition operation appears before that of multiplication. However, this does not mean that addition should precede multiplication. The DMAS rule overrules the order of appearance of operations. Regardless of which appears first, the order of division, multiplication, addition and subtraction should be followed.

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