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What is a Rhombus and What Does it Look Like?

Answer – A rhombus is a plane figure with four sides that are all equal in length. Its opposite sides are parallel to one another, and it looks like a diamond.


A rhombus is a two-dimensional geometrical figure that is identifiable by its 4 equal sides, where the opposite sides are parallel.

Below is an image of a rhombus:


A rhombus tends to look like a diamond – the kind seen in playing cards. The terms are sometimes used interchangeably although rhombus is the preferred term in math.

All the angles in a rhombus add up to 360°. And while the opposite angles are equal, the adjacent angles sum up to 180°. Further, its two diagonals intersect at right angles and divide each other into equal parts.

A rhombus is considered to be a special case of a parallelogram because both figures have parallel opposite sides. However, while all the sides of a rhombus are equal, only the opposite sides of a parallelogram have the same length. Therefore, all rhombuses are parallelograms but not all parallelograms are rhombuses.

A rhombus is also a special case of a kite since both figures have 2 pairs of adjacent sides with the same length. That said, a rhombus has all sides of equal length with opposite sides parallel, while a kite has only adjacent sides of equal length and no parallel sides. 

Further, all squares are special cases of rhombuses but only rhombuses with equal angles are squares.

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