
In 1937 It Was For The First Time When Women Were Given

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In 1937 it was for the first time when women were given property rights in their relative’s property. Widow, widow of predeceased son, widow of predeceased son’s predeceased son was included in the list of succession of a Hindu property. However, the rights were limited to use the property for her lifetime only. Neither she could transfer nor testament it. After coming into existence of Indian Constitution (1950) In the article 14 of fundamental rights, which prohibits any discrimination solely based on the ground of sex in general. Various other laws have been enacted to deal with the personal matters like marriage, divorce and succession etc., of the women. The enactment of Hindu succession Act, 1956, which is milestone legislation in …show more content…

Living with dignity without any discrimination based on sex community place of birth is presumed to be the basic structure of Indian constitution. Women lived in India under the dominance of man and always suppressed for their rights. The rights guaranteed to the women are at par with the rights of men and in some cases the women have been allowed to enjoy the benefit of certain special provisions “in the interest of women and children” through state legislation and affirmative action. The reservations for women in politics and employment have played a key role in putting up the status of women in the main stream of the society.

3 Ancestral property and Hindu Women The rights of women to succeed to any property vary from one religion to other depending on the personal laws followed by them. The religion played a very important role in the devolution of property on the woman in the earlier days. Initially the entire law of succession was un-codified but with the advent of modern governments and legislatures, most of the succession laws have been codified and consolidated. However there is no uniformity in the succession law relating to women of different religions. In India, the women had a secondary status with regard to the succession. In order to abolish the inequities related to right to property certain legislations were enacted for different religions like

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