
Macbeth Letter To Macbeth

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Dear Λάχεσις,

You fates boast your ability to command the path of a person’s life, prideful of the claim you have unwavering demand over one’s singular destiny, but how can this be true when you have no authority over an individual in which route they choose to embark upon towards their destination? An ending outcome might be determined by you Μοῖραι, but only after the individual in question determines which branch they should climb upon. You made a dreadful and pitiful appearance in Shakespeare’s tragedy of our dear Macbeth, in which you appeared to tell him of his destiny of regality after his acclamation to Thane of Cawdor. While this position of Thane was unbeknownst to him at the time, you only told him after the “destiny” was fulfilled; he was already Thane before you told him, yet he had not known. You did not predetermine this “fate” of his, for it had already come to fruition. You only gained accreditation by telling him that of which was already true! You cannot take credit for the acts that have already been consummated and present them as prediction. Macbeth brought the title of Thane of Cawdor upon himself through determination and free will; King Duncan bequeaths the position to Macbeth after he captures his traitorous predecessor. King Duncan states, “What he hath lost, noble Macbeth hath won” (Shakespeare. 1.2. 78). Yet, however, you falsifying fates caused him to believe that you were the sole factors in his title. Presenting events that have already come

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