
Margaret Sanger: The Women's Rights Movement

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Margaret Sanger was a revolutionary women from the United States history. Sanger had ideas that would advance women’s rights forever and change medicine. She was a women who stuck by her beliefs no matter how many though she was wrong. This women was a defender of women’s rights in America, and she believed that women had right to make their own decisions in their body and their life. Determination flowed through her like the founding fathers of this nation, fighting for her freedom and the freedom of women’s choice.
Margaret Sanger was a rebellious women filled with energy that was all directed towards achieving her goals, she would let nothing hold her down. Historians have inferred that Sanger’s father was an atheist and advocate for controversial ideas, (Commire, ed., …show more content…

To add onto this, Sanger’s mother died from what was most likely tuberculosis, and
Sanger believed that this was caused by too much childbirth, (Commire, ed., 1994). This led
Margaret Sanger to search for a form of birth control to prevent deaths such as her mother’s from happening and to help the rapid population growth decrease. These influences helped mold her motivations to become the huge feminist figure that she is known as today.
Margaret Sanger was the sixth child out of eleven children in her family. In order for her to go to college and learn about medicine, her older sisters paid for her college education,
(Commire, ed., 1994). She would go on to discover researchers for birth control and then
MARGARET SANGER 3 proceed to push for a wide use of it. She started a magazine that spoke of sexual liberties for women and talked about birth control, this was illegal practice at the time and she was sent to jail for the first time, (Ayoub, 2011). She was also arrested for running an illegal clinic and having an underground trade of sexual health items, (Chesler, 2003). Sanger was seen as a public nuisance but she refused to give up her fight for women's

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