
The American Revolutionary War: War Between Britain And The Colonists

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The American Revolutionary War Things I already know: The American Revolutionary War was a war between Britain and the Colonists. It began due to high taxation with no representation. Britain was broke from the French and Indian War, so they highly taxed the Colonists in order to not go bankrupt, yet they did not give them a say in how highly they were taxed. Many taxes were placed upon the Americans, such as the Stamp Act, Sugar Act, the Townshend Duties, and the Tea Act. All of these taxes cause the Colonists to become angry and revolt. Before the war began, cruel and rebellious events took place that led into the gruesome war we know as the Revolutionary War. One extremely famous act of rebellion is the Boston Tea Party. Patriots dressed up as Native Americans and in the night, raided an English ship. They dumped all of the tea off the ship and into the harbor to rebel against the tea act. As punishment the intolerable acts were put into place. Another well-known event is the Boston Massacre. Colonists were provoking British soldiers, who had been stationed in the colonies, and the soldiers retaliated by firing into a crowd, they killed 7 innocents. …show more content…

The first battle in the Revolutionary War was Lexington and Concord. With George Washington leading the American troops in their battles, they had a strong leg to stand on, yet they were not always victorious. Some of the other major battles include Guilford Courthouse, Yorktown, Trenton, and Saratoga. During the war they Declaration of Independence was written. It was written in order for they Americans to have a written document of all they wanted as a country. The Declaration was written by Thomas Jefferson, who took inspiration from the writings of John

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