
• What Are The Five Dimensions Of Social Wellness?

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Wellness Dimensions
There will be five dimensions explained under this topic. Which are: Financial dimension, physical dimension, intellectual dimension, emotional dimension and social dimension. Wellness is substantially more than only physical wellbeing, activity or sustenance. It is the full coordination of conditions of these five dimensions.
Social Wellness
Social Wellness is the ability to relate to and connect with other people in our world. Our ability to establish and maintain positive relationships with family, friends and co-workers contributes to our Social Wellness. High Social Wellness is being aware of my surroundings, being positive to it and contributing to it. Its benefit to me is it will give me positive feedbacks from the society and a chance to fix my missing. Also it will keep me mentally healthy and help me look from bright side to things. Low Social wellness is doing just the opposite of it such as being negative to my coworkers at work or having a distance to my own family. It will cause me to be lonely and without any support or socializing it will affect my mental health too.
For instance high social wellness can be as simple as when I am being nice to my friends in my class like giving a smile or just a “hi” in the morning , Or helping with their works or if …show more content…

The desire to learn new concepts, improve skills and seek challenges in pursuit of lifelong learning contributes to our Intellectual Wellness. High Intellectual Wellness can be contributing myself to team work or open to new ideas. That will help me improve in my life or my job and ease it for me. Low Intellectual Wellness is being closed to new ideas, team works, looking to the things with horse glasses. That will only cause me to fall back in the race of life and will keep me under pressure and stress all

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