
Theories Of Cultural Relativism

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The philosophy of ethics attempts to answer or address issues of morality and determine whether something is right or wrong, and why. Moral relativism is one of many ethics positions that essentially recognizes that people have disagreeing moral beliefs and therefore, one must be tolerant of other people’s morals. This stance leads to the problematic realization that if this is true, there can be no objective moral truths or universal principles. Additionally, the moral theory of ethical egoism refers to an individual deciding to do what is right for only themselves, and they do not consider the well - being of others around them. Though many people act on their self - interest more than they care to admit, this theory has few people pleading …show more content…

If cultural relativism were true, it would entail that one could no longer state that their customs are morally superior. This proposition may be plausible for an issue with little significance, but becomes problematic when the issue holds more weight. “For instance, if we took cultural relativism seriously, we could not criticize Nazi Germany or the Antebellum South for their moral atrocities,” (Christian Apologetics Training). This would mean that Nazi culture actually was right for the people living in that culture and that a disagreeing German voice during that time would have just been wrong if it claimed Jewish people deserved to be treated the same as others. Moreover, the second consequence of cultural relativism would be that individuals could decide whether actions are right or wrong just by consulting the standards of society. From the perspective of a relativist, morality is relative to the standards of society in which one lives, so whatever that society claims is right or wrong is simply that, and there’s nothing they can do about it (Gendler, 71). Surely, though, individuals can see that their societies are not perfect and there are ways to improve it; but if that is the case, cultural relativism cannot be true. In addition, it can be argued that if cultural relativism is true, the …show more content…

Moral relativism has taught individuals that different cultures often exhibit radically different moral views. However, if every culture is the sole arbiter of what is right for them, that means that no culture can actually be wrong. Ethical egoism and utilitarianism are two different ethical theories that attempt to respond to the challenge of moral relativism in different ways. Ethical egoism essentially promotes self - interest, and that one should only consider what benefits them, regardless of the outcome it may have on society. In contrast, utilitarianism suggests that an action is morally correct if its outcome benefits the most amount of people possible. In conclusion, the manner in which all people act has been, and continues to be, widely rooted in the study of ethics in philosophy - whether it goes to benefit only themselves or the

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