
10 Words Every Girl Should Know Analysis

Decent Essays

Flashback to fifty years ago and you’d expect every marriage to be the same: the man comes home from work and expects a nice warm meal to be ready for him at the dinner table. The wife is dressed up with a full face of makeup on as she attempts to spark up a conversation about his long day at work. Skip forward to today’s society and you’d be surprised at how things have drastically changed. In today’s modern society, women have started to gain more power as traditional gender roles are starting to fade. Men and women are free to do as they please, making gender roles less and less relevant as the years continue on. In the past, men were very outspoken while women were only heard when spoken to. It was very common for men to be in the center …show more content…

Girls are trying to change the way they are viewed, instead of conforming to the traditional submissive nature, they are fighting to be dominant. For example, in “10 Words Every Girl Should Know,” the author goes on to explain how young girls are taught to be polite and to listen more and not to curse while young boys are praised for speaking out loud because “he’s just being a boy”. The author’s daughter however is “a very funny child who regularly engages in simultaneous speech, disruptively interrupts and randomly changes topics.” She expresses many traits that are considered “masculine”, yet she’s a female. Similarly, I challenge the social norms in my own Hispanic household where gender roles are greatly embedded into the culture. I am expected to serve my brothers dinner, but I rebel against traditional beliefs by telling my mom they can serve themselves. In brief, many females in today’s society have stepped out of their original boundaries and have challenged the old ancestral ideals.
Even though things are different in today’s modern society, gender roles do give each sex their own jobs and specific roles. For example, the woman in the household is expected to clean while the male is expected to do the yard work. This eliminates any sort of confusion between who has to do what in the house. Although this can be true, we don't have to stick to our roles assigned to us by society. Each person can pitch in a hand wherever it is needed, maybe the husband can cook once in a while and help out with the laundry. The wife doesn’t have to stay home all day cleaning the

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