Suicide is a sensitive subject that can be portrayed multiple ways in literature. How do we change a suicidal mind that suicide isn't the way out?
What leads to suicide? Bullying , feeling your life is in ruin, feeling lonely and thinking no one cares for you and going deep into depression. According to the article “ The Six Reasons People Attempt Suicide” Mr. Alex Lickerman states that “1. They’re depressed, 2. They're psychotic ,3. They’re impulsive, 4. They’re crying out for help,5. They have a philosophical desire to die, 6. They’ve made a mistake,
In the book 13 Reasons Why Hannah makes 13 tapes talking about the people who have caused her to commit suicide. In each tape she says her 13 reasons why she killed herself. Her reasons were, bullying,betrayal, and trauma. Because she received all of these things she felt threatened, scared and not safe anymore, not even in her own home.“My house. My bedroom.They were supposed to be safe for me. Safe from everything outside. But you were the one who took that away.” (Asher 15)
In the book 13 Reasons Why Hannah was saying
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Literature, when it comes to suicide, it gives a lot more detail than suicide in the real world. in the real world you usually don’t hear people giving as much detailed stories as books. Literature goes into every single detail of what goes on in a suicidal mind, why they think like that, what’s causing them to feel the need that they don’t deserve to be in this world anymore. Since usually the main character is the one with the suicidal mind. Literature also can help prevent suicide simply by giving too much detail. Literature also puts in too much dramatic, mystery, and plot twist to also make books more interesting. Some books can be helpful and others are for simple entertainment, to feel that urge that you must keep
Suicide is the second leading cause of death for people between ages 15 – 34. Now, the question is where’s the effort to stop it? If 90% of people who commit suicide have a mental illness,
Often, the main cause of suicide is that people believe they have nothing to live for. In a society where people don’t have a desire to live, life is not valued. People are not scared of death and don’t understand the importance of
Many times when people commit suicide, those around them are oblivious of the evidence left behind that triggered them to self-harm himself or herself. There are many motives that can cause a person to take their own life. Depression, being a victim of bullying, and disconsolate lifestyles are a few of the principals that provoke oneself to be suicidal. Many times those who are in their stages of enacting self-harm, do not inform others of their next action, suicide. However, those who do attempt to speak on their actions of committing suicide deliver these messages through forms of writing, such as poetry or music.
Suicide is a waste of time. It’s stupid. There’s no point because you don’t gain anything from it because you’re dead. However, people don’t see this and they do this without thinking about what they already have. It’s mostly the teens that jump into the arms of death, and this is usually because of peer pressure, grades, suffering from loss, anxiety, etc. One novel show an example of a realistic stressed individual. And even though this is a fictional story, the character’s situation is similar to many young human beings on Earth. The novel is called The Catcher in The Rye, a first person narrative written by J.D. Salinger. The stressed individual’s name is Holden Caulfield. He is the main character who
There is at least 113 suicides each day or 1 every 13 minutes. Suicide among males is the seventh leading cause of death and the fourteenth leading cause in females. Most suicides are with a firearm and are carried out with a “ Saturday night special”. (Dilaura,Cynthia DiLaura) “More than 90 percent of suicide attempts with a gun are fatal. “ (Brady Campaign) There are a number of reasons why suicide occurs. Stress is the number one cause among our youth, bullies, peer pressure, depression, and abuse. 41,100 people committed suicide in the United States in 2013. Our young teens today does not take time to look deeper into there problem and to seek out a better solution. They are looking for a quick fix but not realizing once the trigger is pulled the result is final with no turning back. Most people who has attempted suicide is more likely to try a second attempt and most have an underlying mental illness. There is many warming that someone may be in a suicide crisis. We most learn how to see things through their eyes. No matter what one is facing in life or the difficult that lie ahead of them Nothing is worth taken your own
There are many reasons for suicide. Up to 90-95% of suicides are caused by a previous mental illness within the family, usually depression. Depression is a sadness that impacts the physical and mental health. Depression is usually the cause of suicide. Depression is caused by many things like serious illnesses, such as depression and bipolar disorder. Bipolar disorder causes major mood swings – from highs to lows. Major changes in your physical and mental
In the compelling young adult fiction 13 Reasons Why, by Jay Asher, you learn about a suicide committed by a 16 year old high schooler who lives in Cresmont, California, named Hannah Baker. Hannah is really having a hard time just due to gossip, assaults, non trusting friends, and other issues caused by her classmates during her few years there. She decides to commit suicide, but before she does so, she makes a set of tapes that tells about the 13 reasons why she’s going to kill herself. With these tapes she mails them to each person that was apart of why she committed suicide. They then have to mail them to the next person apart and so on.
Life is a beautiful thing, you experience things, both good and bad; that ultimately shape you into the person you are, until the day you die. But “for young people 15-24 years old, suicide is the second leading cause of death.” ( And sadly Hannah Baker from the fictional world of Thirteen Reasons Why, is no exception. In the text, Thirteen Reasons Why, written by Jay Asher, one goes through the final deciding moments of Hannah Baker’s life, through a classmate named Clay.
Death is something one cannot escape, whether it be natural or self inflicted death is inevitable. Suicide is the second leading causes of death for ages 10-24. Young adults are faced with challenges that become too much to bare; they begin to feel as if there is no other option but suicide. In today's society, young adults lack the knowledge and experience to deal with difficult circumstances that will later lead to severe consequences. When children are not informed through; involvement, witnessing it, seeing it in movies or in this instance even reading about it, they don't know what to do when it happens to them. When children have this resource taken away or banned from schools they won't fully know how real these events are. In Jay Asher's novel, Thirteen Reasons Why, these harsh circumstances are so pertinent in high schoolers lives that banning this book deprives students of the vital lessons they may need to face reality.
Out of the six causes of depression listed above, Hannah suffered four. Some boys spread lies about what she did with them, others grabbed at her body, girls weren't kind, teachers didn't make it easier, her parents were always working because they were going through a financial problem, and let’s not forget moving and leaving her life behind. On top of all those problems we have the pressure of being in high school. At one point of Hannah's life she was completely isolated and didn't have anyone to reach out to.These situations can happen to anyone. Teenage suicide is a serious growing problem. The teenage years can be emotionally turbulent and stressful. Teenagers face pressures to succeed and fit in. They may struggle with self esteem issues, self-doubt, and feeling of alienation. For some, this leads to suicide. This book is a real eye-opener, as you read you start identifying people with Hannah Baker and it makes you wonder who else around you is considering
Why would an author like Jay Asher write a novel about a young girl, who has committed suicide? Well, adults and young adults are committing suicide every day. Right now, there could be a suicide case going on. The reason why these people are committing suicide is because they cannot handle what others are saying and doing to those people. Not everyone could handle what others are doing and saying to the. Bullies are a cause of suicide. If you are bullying and, or messing with a person, you never know if they would commit suicide or not.
Thirteen Reasons Why narrates the story of Clay Jensen, a typical high school student, who unexpectedly receives a strange and mysterious box containing 13 cassette tapes that reveals 13 people, including him, who are said to be the reasons why his classmate, Hannah Baker, committed suicide weeks earlier. The book was written by Jay Asher, an American contemporary writer. The book embodied a simple but unique plot, a realistic and relatable theme, and a writing style that is paradoxically deep but easy to relate.
We often don’t know what to do or say about suicide, especially when it pertains to someone we are close to. Even as personal as the subject is, we must talk about what suicide is and how it affects people lives. Though the issue is suicide is often misrepresented and portrayed unsuitably in the media, causing our society to have a misleading idea on the matter. For instance in late March of 2017, Netflix released its original series, 13 Reasons Why, which caused an uproar among young viewer’s parents and other adults.
Have you ever known someone who’s committed or tried to commit suicide and thought, “I wish I would’ve done something, said something, to stop it from happening?” I know I would ask myself that question everyday if I hadn’t. A few years ago, a good friend of mine thought her life was so bad she wanted to end it. I did the only thing I could think, and told the nearest teacher. It may sound so childish or stupid, but it worked. Luckily, she’s still alive and well. I’m here to make sure you can make the difference and help a person who might be, or is suicidal. Just think of what would happen if you didn’t try to help.
To begin with, suicide is a subject that is often very hard to talk about, but no matter how hard it is to talk about it should always be spoken of. It should be spoken about to everyone or it should reach out to everyone by promoting the prevention of it, because suicide can be prevented sometimes, and it offers awareness to everyone. For example, the suicide prevention lifeline organization has a National Suicide Prevention Month to help raise awareness of suicide prevention during September. What the organization does all month to help raise awareness is gather health advocates, prevention organizations, survivors, allies, and community members to promote the awareness of suicide. Ways to prevent suicide are by asking people to constantly check in on a person and asking them how they feel etc., by being there for them because studies show that individuals are more likely to feel less depressed, less suicidal, less overwhelmed, and more helpful after speaking to someone who listens to them without judgement. The suicide lifeline organization also advocates a suicide prevention hotline so people who are in trouble and are attempting to kill themselves can call the hotline and receive the proper help and advice they need to do the right decision and hopefully move on with their life