
1492: The Lifestyles Of Europeans And Native Americans

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What would you do if strange people welcomed themselves onto your land and decided that they wanted it for themselves? In 1492, European explorers landed on what to them was an unknown place, and called it the New World. North America was seen as an entirely new land with much to discover like gold. These explorers also discovered new people in this New World who acted much different than them and talked in languages the Europeans have never even heard before. However, what these explorers didn’t know was that this new and exciting “New World” was actually in fact a very old home to the many different people they will meet in North America; who are now known as the American Indians or Native Americans. All that which the Europeans …show more content…

Each tribe built their own towns and traded over far distances with other tribes. These were the people that were met with European explorers when their ships landed in America. Before the Europeans came along, the Natives would rarely ever die from any type of disease, however as the Europeans came to North America, they brought immense changes to Native American tribes. The Europeans carried a number of new diseases that the Natives were in no way accustomed to. Some of these diseases include the bubonic plague, cholera, typhus, tuberculosis, smallpox, influenza, measles, and the chicken pox. Sometimes the illnesses spread through direct contact with the colonists while other times as they were trading with one another. The Natives had no immunity to these types of diseases therefor were forced to suffer a very great loss. English explorer Thomas Harriot noticed how European visits to small villages of Indians killed the Natives. He wrote: “Within a few days after our departure from every such [Indian] town, the people began to die very fast, and many in short space; in some towns about twenty, in some forty, in some sixty, & in one six score, which in truth was very many in respect of their …show more content…

After the atrocity that left thousands dead, the survivors were faced with the fight for the right of their land. With colonization came slavery, because without it European colonization would have stayed limited in North America. Slaves were defined by the Europeans as non-Christian and non-European people. In 1705, the Virginia General Assembly stated, "All servants imported and brought into the Country ... who were not Christians in their native Country ... shall be accounted and be slaves. All Negro, mulatto and Indian slaves within this dominion ... shall be held to be real estate. If any slave resists his master ... correcting such slave, and shall happen to be killed in such correction ... the master shall be free of all punishment ... as if such accident never happened." Most of the Europeans were completely dependent on Indian labor in their colonies. Slavery was an ever present establishment in the early world and Africans, Europeans, and even Native Americans kept slaves before Christopher Columbus ever arrived to America. To raise money for his expeditions to America, Columbus would ship Native Americans to Spain to be put in the slave market and auctioned off for the right price. Europeans were in need of workers to build their houses for them and clear the fields, so Indian Slaves were used by virtually every European nation for construction, plantations, and

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