
1984 Important Scene Essay

Decent Essays

Essay Question: Choose an important scene in your studied novel and discuss how it establishes the theme, characters and plot of within the novel. the most important scene in 1984
By: Brendan Chiem
George Orwell’s dystopian novel, 1984, depicts a society where almost every aspect of life is controlled by Big Brother. It is clear that the most important scene in the novel is when Julia sneaks a note into Winston’s hand when they are walking past each other down the “brightly-lit” corridor in the Ministry of Truth. This scene is important because it establishes the character of Winston, the theme of control and the plot within the novel.
The establishment of the protagonist, Winston Smith, is evident when he finally stops hating Julia. At the …show more content…

In 1984, Big Brother watches and listens to everyone through devices called telescreens and hidden microphones. Basically no one is allowed to speak, think, love another person or live their own life. Therefore, when Winston receives the note from Julia, he immediately “throws the incriminating thing into the memory hole”. This shows that Winston knew the dangers of holding onto the note since it may have indicated a love affair between Winston and Julia which is prohibited by Big Brother as they are both party members. Winston also threw away the note because he was scared that his reaction to the letter would have been detected by The Party and that he would’ve been vaporized for committing Face Crime. This is evident in the novel when Winston states that “He knew very well the danger of showing too much interest” (Page 114) when he was reading the note. Therefore, this scene shows how dangerous it is just to hold and read a simple piece of paper and allows the audience to realise how much control and power Big Brother possesses in Oceania. Therefore, this scene definitely contributes the establishment of the theme of control in

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