
1984 Winston Character Analysis

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In the book 1984, there were a handful of characters and the one that stuck out to me the most was Mr. Charrington. He was the owner of a second hand store where the proletariats lived. He met Winston one night when he purchased a blank journal and seemed to have a particular fondness of antiques and treasures from the old world. Winston had enjoyed talking to him and the two became friends. Mr. Charrington had showed Winston around the rest of his home and where he used to sleep with his wife when she was still with him. The room was very comforting to Winston partly because of the fact that there was no telescreen in sight. Winston later returned and had bought an old paperweight which he adored it’s beauty. Winston had trusted Mr. …show more content…

Charrington is an interesting man because he spends his time in disguise living among the proles (proletariats), as they called them. What was surprising was the fact that he had waited so long to turn them in. I think that while he was living in the rougher part of town, he had become accustomed to multiple thought crimes, which occurred right outside. I also think that he grew to like Winston enough to let him be in freedom for a small while longer. The two of them did seem to genuinely care for the other. It is still very disappointing that Mr. Charrington betrayed Winston, but I have concluded that he must really care for his job and he values the respect and the honor that he gets for stopping thought crime. I do think though that he purposely showed the private room to Winston so that Winston would feel comfortable and possibly come back to use it and he predicted right. Mr. Charrington, I assume, was always on board with the idea of this new government system and when it came about, he quickly managed to reach the top and was allowed to be an undercover member of the thought police. This way I can easily picture him betraying his friends and family. I was very disappointed, and still am partially, that Mr. Charrington was the reason that Winston and Julia were caught. I can only imagine what the author intended him to be thinking when he betrayed his friend and if he even had any hesitation whatsoever. This seems to me like an ultimate betrayal, the betrayal that leads to

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