
1984's Totalitarian Government

Decent Essays

The influence of government over society that is presented in the novel 1984 by George Orwell cannot be underestimated, nor can Orwell’s commentary on the possible future of society be ignored. Orwell develops an astute perception of the degree to which a totalitarian government can influence society through his creation of a dystopian world where individuals possess no freedom and are brainwashed constantly. Though the responsibility of newscasters and journalists is to provide facts and information to citizens, there is no denying the media is anything but neutral; and so, Orwell writes 1984 with the purpose of warning readers of the dangers of an imposing administration that controls its citizens through the use of propaganda and incessant …show more content…

However, as Winston touches pen to paper, he is reminded of the impact his society has had on him, for he “seemed not merely to have lost the power of expressing himself, but even to have forgotten what it was that he had originally intended to say” (Orwell 8). It is difficult for Winston to translate his thoughts onto paper because no one in Oceania is permitted to write for personal reasons, for The Party provides all thought and information to individuals through the use of telescreens. Furthermore, The Party uses propaganda through the telescreens as its weapon for control over its citizens, with slogans such as: “WAR IS PEACE. FREEDOM IS …show more content…

The use of linguistic resources to subtly establish and reinforce dominance is seen in media tactics incessantly; for example, surrounding the terrorist attacks that occurred September 11, 2001. The media is used as an instrument of hate and misinformation, leaving subtle but clear messages about what Americans should believe regarding the crisis. Occupied territories become disputed territories, Jewish settlements become Jewish neighborhoods, and civilians killed by Israeli soldiers are simply caught in the crossfire. Furthermore, like Winston Smith, those who question the facts or deviate from the opinions that should be adopted are rendered with suspicion. Additionally, though citizens today are not under surveillance through telescreens like the citizens of Oceania, social media keeps close record of all activities. Telephone calls and browsing histories are accessible to the government, and social security numbers and zip codes are a part of everyday transactions. Data is collected, cameras record invisibly, and private lives are spied upon. Citizens today, too, are manipulated and watched through the

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