
30 Sequence: 30 LCI Scores: My First Career

Satisfactory Essays

LCI Scores: Sequence: 30 Precision: 32 Technical Reasoning: 23 Confluence: 25

My first job

My first job was working as a teacher’s aide in the young two’s room at a local daycare. I had many duties to uphold while working there. I had to change diapers, prepare meals, plan lessons, maintain state required hours, learn about state licensing, and most importantly love the little ones who were in my care.

What I liked most:

I loved art time. I loved watching the young children experience the feeling of paint between their fingers, or learning how to use scissors (supervised of course).

I loved circle time. Watching children sing old and new songs was something that was completely adorable. Once they had, a new song learned it went from singing

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