
3rd Grade Bilingual Education Curriculum

Satisfactory Essays

Over the years data has become a major part of school starting in pre-kindergarten. Evaluations happen every day in school. The only thing that make a different is when and what type. Is the evaluation given after instruction daily or just after a unit? Next, what happens with the data from the evaluation? Are the standards retaught or is it just time to move to the next unit? Being a teacher it is baffling how you can teach a whole lesson and only half if that many of your students understood. The concerning point is that you're not only responsible for the half that understand. You are also responsible for the half that didn't understand. After teaching for so many years now I have noticed there is not a perfect class. With knowing this when teachers receive bad test results on an assessment they should ask their selves the same questions. Why do they not understand and what can I do differently? However, these are the question that the teacher is being …show more content…

Half of the study comes from a 3rd grade bilingual class and has being in bilingual class from pre-kindergarten through 3rd grade. All students are from low income poverty neighborhood surrounding the school. With the difference in environment all these students are subject to the belief that they all should be in the same academic achievement level as higher city students that do not live in low income poverty areas.
Problem Statement
The purpose of this action research project is to evaluate the impact of formative assessment on fourth grade math student’s achievement. The project will use performance data to restructure spiraling back lesson over pass standard for higher level on retention and achievement. There is one specific question that will be attempting to be answered with this research:
1. How will formative assessments impact fourth grade students’ math

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