
8 Plus Hours Research Paper

Satisfactory Essays

After listening to the past couple of lectures I would say that I am sleep deprived at this very moment. However I slept 6.5 hours last night, woke up at 4:15 AM for work, and then got off at 10:30. I wonder if I am truly sleep deprived or if I have already put in my 8 plus hours and my body is ready to shut down for the night. I know that I do not have a good sleep pattern at the moment as I leave my phone next to me at all hours of night, not only is it my alarm clock, but I use to contact my husband who is currently over seas and 8 hours ahead of me. After listening to the lectures and reading the other entries I know I could use a better sleep routine, however there are some things I cannot simply remove now case and point my cellphone.

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